a new life

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The sun rays hit your face as you slowly open your eyes to a sudden breeze, and the sound of an alarm. Today was the day you would be joining Passione, as you were close with Bucciarati, But mostly following the unfortunate death of your sister, Ellie.

You slowly sat up, rubbing your eyes and yawning as you reached out your hand to stop the alarm from ringing. "I should get ready" You thought to yourself, getting up to shower. You hummed the lyrics to (F/S) as the warm water hit your body,

Putting on all of your clothes and everything nessecary, you opened your hotel door and walked out, going to the first floor and handing the Keys back to the Woman at the front. "Did you enjoy your stay?" She asked politely, grabbing back the keys and placing them back where they belong. "Absolutely! Thanks!!"

Walking out and to the restaurant, you remembered why you were going to Passione in the first place. for Ellie. No matter what, i will change this city for the better, you thought to yourself as you pulled up to the restaurant Bucciarati was waiting for you at.

"What took you so long??" Bucciarati said, waiting for you patiently at the front of one of the towns best Restaurants. "shaddup, i could've took 4 years if i ever wanted to!" You said, Jokingly sticking your tongue out at him, him giving you a goofy smile back "Alright, then lets get you introduced to the team"

Bucciarati walked into the store as you followed him, walking back to a privately reserved room at the back of the store, He opened the door for you as you walked into the room nervously, standing before a table of 4 men.

"Alright guys, This is (Y/N)! (Y/N) these are Mista, Narancia, Fugo, Abbachio and Giorno! from today on she's a member of the team, so i want you guys to treat her with respect." said Bucciarati, introducing you to the team, and the team to you as you sat there awkwardly, giving a nervous smile.

You opened your eyes to exam the room, looking everywhere, but stopping when you saw him. "Fugo???" You said, going to sit right next to him. "(Y/N)!! its been so long i could barely recognize you!!" He wrapped one of his hands around your shoulder, giving you a smile and a small blush.

You and Fugo used to be best friends awhile back. You where always there to calm him down when his anger issues took over, or just in general as you two were insseperable. Although you were not smart enough to keep up with fugo in school, you two always figeured out how to hang with each other, but it all changed when Fugo dissapeared one day, not even saying goodbye.

"jeez i thought i would never see you again!! less in a place like this?! what are you doing in a gang?" You said as you remembered how smart Fugo used to be, even though he hated school. "i don't really like to talk about it, but how has life been?" That simple question rung in your head, you did not want to remember the recent events of your life. "..good!!" you said looking away.

"thats good! you have grown.." his words slow down as he looks down at your cleavage, growing a big blush on his face "quite a lot!" "you too! well, i'm gonna go talk to the others, ill chat with you later!"

You get up, walking over to an empty seat next to a guy with a weird hat. "hello!!" you greet politely, waiting for him to turn and notice you. "oh, hi t-there!?" You both froze as soon as you saw each others faces. everything about this guy was your type, his eyes, his face, his body and even his smile!! You did not know how to act! "gahhh dayum hes fine as hell..."

"h-hi nice to meet you, im (Y/N).." You said nervously, staring as his face as he was staring at yours.

"woah woah woah woah. why is my heart beating so fast??" Mista thought to himself, looking at you with a huge blush and smile"h-hi! Im Mista! nice to meet ya!"

You both finished off introducing yourselves, As you ordered something to eat and talked to the others as well. It was quite dark as Bucciarati stood up, Mentioning that it was time to go back to the hideout. "alright you guys, its time to go back, its getting quite dark" He walked out of the restaurant, getting into the car as you all followed, and driving back.

The drive to the hideout was quite long. You'd say 1-2 hours at least, being that Bucciarati had to make sure nobody would find this hideout. You watched the town pass by in the windows, followed by the background chatter of everyone else in the car. You were starting a new life and you didn't know how to feel about loosing the old one. But you knew it was all for the better. The beautiful town lights passed as they sparkled in your eyes. Daydreaming about how your new life could be, You fell asleep as  Bucciarati hit a small pothole, causing Mista to go flying out of his seat and right into your boobs, as he was sitting across from you.

He sat in your cleavage for a while as you slowly woke up, trying to figure out what just happened, "o-oh im sor-" He said as he was interrupted by Fugo,  roughly picking him up and setting him back in place. "are you alright?" he said in a jealous tone as Mista watched him from behind, weirded out by the way Fugo was acting but just brushed it off.

"y-yeah i'm good!" you smiled back, rubbing your eyes as Fugo smiled at you "thats rude, Mista. you shouldn't do that to a woman" He snapped Mista a dirty look. "nono its good! it was an accident Fugo!" you tried to calm the tension between the two by calming Fugo down. "Mista didn't mean to, it was an accident so its fine"

Fugo twitched, whispering into Mista's ear

"well don't let that 'accident' happen again."

You all arrived at the hideout, Following behind the team as they entered the house and into their rooms. You stayed in the living room since there was so spare room for you to stay, "where will i be sleeping?" you asked. "you can share a room with Mista, ill go show you to his room if you want"

"alright!" you follow behind Bucciarati, arriving at Mista's room and knocking on the door. The door opens as you see Mista walk out in a tank top and sweatpants, with a black beanie on. "whats up?" "(Y/N) is gonna be sharing a room with you" Bucciarati said as he left, leaving no time for Mista to say anything.

You both sat there in silence, walking into the room and setting your things aside. You went into the bathroom to change into a more comfortable outfit, there being quite the silence when you walked out, "s-so, whatsup?" He said to break the awkward silence.

Mista sat down on the bed as you sat right next to him, trying to not seem as akward as possible as you tried to make a new friend. "ehhh, nothing much. i'm just bored" you flop back onto the bed, sighing loudly. "do you wanna go stargazing with me? the stars look really pretty today!" "really?? of course!!"

Mista quickly grabbed a blanket and headed out, locking the door as he held your hand, "its just in case anything happens y'know?" he said as you both blushed, you following behind him. He left the hideout as you looked outside, everything surrounding you guys was lights and stars. The full moon shined upon your eyes as Mista turned around, standing right in front of the moon, making you smile in awe. "what a sight" you thought to yourself as the wind made his hair beneath his hat swoosh.

"i think i might've caught feelings.."

P.S, i still haven't figured out your stand so ill probably list it in the next few chapters. also, (F/S) means favorite song!

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