3 • The Worst Conversation Ever

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I looked at him and he had this smile on his face, as if he just proposed the most brilliant plan in humankind.

I thought it over. Holy crap, that plan might just work—might,—and for the long run, too. I'll have to make Piper un-crush me, if that was even a word, without even breaking the deal with Pascal.

I shot him an approving look.

"Well? What do you say? Make that happen, and you and Callista will have your own happily ever after at prom. Plus, Pascal can't do anything. He still has to give you the money whether or not Piper says yes," Lucas said, finishing his can of Coke in one large gulp. He gathered up his books and stood up. I asked him where he was going.

"I have to review for my Calculus class. I'm meeting up with Diane."

"But you're a fucking genius in Calculus," I told him in disbelief.

Lucas smirked and winked at me. "I know," then he left.

Reviewing with Diane, huh? I rolled my eyes. Yeah, right.

I was about to head on to my car and nap until the school bell rings but then I noticed Piper getting up and walked outside towards the school's parking lot. Unwillingly, I followed her. It might be a good chance to talk to her without a large crowd in sight.

I trailed behind her, not too far so that I can see where she was going but not too near so she wouldn't notice.

She entered through the doors where I assumed she would spend a lot of time at.

Jackpot, I thought.

She was going to the school library.

I turned my head around and checked the school clock. It read 12:41 p.m. Great, I had at least fifteen minutes before fifth period starts.

I started to walk past the library doors and scanned inside the building. I just saw three, four people in sight, plus the cranky librarian.

I began to walk silently, passing the tall, mahogany bookshelves and peeped behind the dusty books to check if I can see a short-haired auburn girl.

My eyes then spotted a girl sitting at a table on the far corner of the library, her back facing me. I knew it was Piper because her ugly knitted sweater was recognizable. 

Deep breath, Beau. I let out a sigh. She's not a witch, she just looks like one.

I made three steps forward. "Uh, hey."

No answer.

"Hey Griffindork," I said one more time. She didn't even bother turning around. The nerve of this girl.

I raised my voice. "Yo, Griffin!"

Her back jolted. "What the—" she removed her earphones and spun around. Oh so that was why she didn't hear me.

She looked up and shot me a pissed look. When she recognized who I was, her eyes widened and quickly turned back around.

What do I say now? Should I—

Just then, the cranky librarian showed up.

"Could you two please tone it down?" She cautioned, and placed her hands on her hips.

"Uh, sorry Ma'am." I said, and she gave me a death glare. The librarian eyed the both of us again, Piper not bothering to face the librarian and I, and she eventually went away.

I shrugged it off and took a seat next to Piper. Not too close to her, though.

"What do you want?" She started asking, still not looking at me. She might intend to ask that in an irritated tone, but her voice sounded surprisingly soft and smooth. I've always thought she would develop a wicked, gravelly voice.

You know, like that of a witch.

What do I want, she inquired? Well, I wanted no debt from your asshole brother.

I paused for a minute and began to pick up a familiar tune. Was that a The Maine song I heard blasting from her earphones?

"Yo, are you listening to The Maine?" I asked, quite surprised. Piper listened to The Maine?

"Don't answer my question with a question," she snapped.

I raised a brow. "Sassy are we?" Oh so she wanted to talk back huh?

Wait. That was what I was aiming for anyway. She kept quiet for awhile and finally answered. 

"Yes, it's The Maine. The American Candy album."

I fucking love The Maine. I rarely know people from school who listen to them. All they ever jam to was Avicii, Nicki Minaj, Ariana Grande, or some electronic dance music shit.

"I love The Maine," I uttered immediately. She stopped whatever she was writing and looked at me incredulously. I bit my lip. I never should've said that.

She stared at me for a good five seconds, and it was like her eyes were just instantly pierced through mine.

Man, her eyes were bright blue as hell.

And what was up with the staring? Weirdo.

"I, uh, no, I mean," I mumbled. The fact that she knew I liked the same band as hers, she would like me even more. Where the hell did my smooth-talking charms go?

I think I just saw a tiny smile cracked from her pale face.

"I mean they're alright I guess—" then the bell suddenly rang.

She removed her earphones from her ears and put it in her messenger bag along with her notebook. "Uh, bye," she said faintly, and sped off.

She stood up from her table and waved a short goodbye to me.

I just sat there, dumbfounded. I just met her the first time all over again, and let me just say that that was the worst conversation ever. Obviously it didn't go well, but wow. 

She listened to The Maine. At least she had a great taste in music.

I'd probably try to talk to her again tomorrow.

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