Mother Knows Best

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  • Dedicado a Emmy :3

I slept well that night. Knowing I would get to know mum better tomorrow.  It was ... comforting. The night was silent. Perfect,


I raced into my Clothes and threw my self downstairs. Is she at the table? I should think so. I edged open the window met with a soft snowfall, animal prints lay in the fresh snow. Wolves. This close to the palace? This can't be right? Ignoring the sudden icy coldness in the air, I went downstairs. Hatred was thick in the air. I guessed why. The same reason mum fled here. Dad.

We ate our food silents.A popular dish from Vienna, Pancake with shrewed fruit, My mother sat at the head of the table, she had long curly blonde hair like mine, a pale complexion and misty blue eyes, We resembled each other perfectly.She looked anxious.Why.

"Darling." My mum started,

I nodded at her to continue,

"Come with me." She stood up and walked abruptly out the dining hall. I looked quickly at my dad but he let no emotions show. I followed her quickly.She was going to the room I had ventured into the day before.

"I need to tell you something.." She told me seriously. "I .. you.."

"I what?" I asked impatiently.

"We have powers!" She blurted out quickly then turned away as if ashamed.

 She then muttered something and pointed to a mouse that I hadn't noticed before. It fell into a deep sleep. I believe her.She passed me a book.

                                                                   Mellowers Magic



I recognized the word Mellowers.. I had once sneaked into Mrs Rose's Office and read through her papers. There was something called Mellowers on mine. I think.. I may be wrong but I think. My last name is Mellowers. They never tell us our last names.. I sighed. This was way too much to take in at once. I had finally met my mum, and now she had confused me with this. I didn't believe in magic yesterday, yet here I am today. I am a .. wait what am I? I can't be human. Normal people don't have magic.. I can't be a fairy.. they have wings and are tiny children. I wonder what my magic can do. Maybe turn all the bullies back in London into frogs. Have I always had these powers? I don't remember anything ab-normal happening in London.

"What about dad?" I asked as quietly as a mouse.

Mum shook her head and walked back down the stairs. I went to my room.

It all made sense. Mum left dad because of her powers. It had to be that. Why else? They had been fighting all the time since I was 5 years old. And even then they had not been forgiving. I had often seen dad lying on the floor unconscious, mums powers I suppose. And I guess they left each other because of her magic. I suppose she told him about them when I was five. If I was dad I would be amazed! Although a little cautious. But still, why would they fight? There must be something else. Something no one has told me about. Something I will find out for my self.


Cautiousness swept threw my body.  My parents room. There must be something useful in here.  The door stood ajar, I stopped to check if anyone was in. Silence. The room smelt musty, as if it hadn't been used for ages.  I peeled back the door. Shocked at what I saw inside. The layout of someones home. A perfectly modern house, just through this door? I crept in. A young boy, around my age, was asleep on the sofa. He had pale skin and mesmerizing blue eyes. His brown hair covered one eye. A dreamy look. I stood there for a second, spell bound. He stirred. I exited. Quickly.  There was a boy in our house! In my parents room!

"IVY! IVY!" The screams were coming from the room, I listened close to the door. "I feel magic, strong magic, close by. And it's not hers.." He spat the last word out. He meant my mum. An urge rushed through my body. I touched the door lightly with my first. The same force that hit the door in the village, struck again. Mum was right.


This story is getting so many reads :ooo Nearly comp time, Nah about 100 more reads.. But ANYWAY what shall we call the boy??? And who do ya think Ivy is?




And you get free hugs :3

Lol =

"We have powers!" She blurted out quickly then turned away as if ashamed.

"Uh huh.. and what's your wifi password again?"  XD


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