Alkoi Abopeu

33 4 2


Thanks for reading! This is unedited, feel free to point out any SPaG mistakes.

When you got over the scariness of the woods, it was actually quite an amazing sight. The elegance of the wolfs' prowl and the silent snowfall. It felt like a fairy tale. Only what happened in Berla Village was no fairy tale.They hated us, they were scared of us. And what about the curse? The winter curse. I laughed. To make a winter curse, you needed magic. And magic wasn't real.Of course it isn't. Right? We had now arrived at the edge of the woods. In the distance was mountains, caped with snow, and I could just make out little villages on the steep slopes.

"I thought mum lived in a big house, not a village on a mountain?" I asked, trying to make my voice loud enough so that dad could hear me over the wild winds.

Dad laughed. "That's no mountain. That's her Winter Palace!" he shouted back.

My heart stopped. Now that I looked closer, I could see that it wasn't a mountain. It was the most beautiful palace. At the bottom was an amazing building, that looked rather like the Houses of Parliament. There was elegant trees and a Victorian feel.


Will mum be inside? I wonder. Perhaps she is visiting a lord in a fancy house, No. She'd want to meet me wouldn't she? For some reason I couldn't remember anything about my mum. I hadn't remembered my dad either. I hope she is inside. I didn't want to wait ages to see her. It could ruin the excitement.


Inside the palace was just as graceful as it had been when I had first seen it. As you walked in there was an elaborate hall with a dainty fireplace on each side. A fur rug had been placed next to each one. Going across the middle was a red carpet. A few chairs were plotted by the fireplaces, with purple velvet cushions and black wood frames.

Through a door at the end of the hallway was an immense staircase, two doorways at each side led to the dinning room and the kitchen. Upstairs was all the bedrooms. Plenty of spares . A fancy door led to my parents chamber and a maid led me to the nursery. I wasn't used to anything so posh! The nursery was painted in a creme with a fire place by the window. Two beds were ready made. I proceeded to the nearest bed. Clothes had been laid out. A dainty peach nightdress and a fur coat. I guess its cold at night.

After I had changed I heard a sharp knock at the door, telling me to go to the dinning room for dinner. I sighed and told them I'd be there in a minute.


They left. I headed down the stairs and through a door, making a random guess at it being the dining room. I was wrong. A spiral staircase greeted me, I had to find out what was up there.

Tread tread

I plodded up the stairs. At the top was a oak door.


The door just opened by itself! How? Reluctantly I tiptoed in. A table had been set in the middle, not for a meal though. Three books lay untouched and a candle had been lit. The books suddenly floated in the air! They formed a semi circle around the candle then dropped.

Show me the girl

A voice whispered. The black figure!

The girl who is to be mine. Show her grace her powers and all.

I listened careful. Too scared to move.

Show me the day when Lola takes over.

I bolted to the door. It must have been a mistake! The black figure can't of meant me! There must be another Lola she watches over all the time!


The dinner was amazing. Freshly cooked chicken with gravy, potatoes and carots. I never have had such amazing food!

"You will meet your mother tomorrow." My father told me, sounding important.

I nodded gratefully. I guess she finally decided to show up. It can't of been her fault. Maybe she was caught up in the snow. Or got lost in her tremendously large palace. No. She'd been living here for 3 years. She can't get lost, she must know her way around!

"Night Lola" My dad kissed my forehead then creeped towards the door. "Get some sleep, you have a big day tomorrow."

I smiled at him through the darkness and closed my eyes.


The comforting noise of my dad going back to his room.


I woke up sweating. Did I just hear footsteps?


"Hello darling." The black figure said. It suddenly changed to human. "It's your mother." It said with a smile. I could see it. She looked like me.

There will be liesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ