Chapter Nine

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"Tsuna what's wrong?" Momo appeared at her friends side Shoto not far from her, the redheads shoulders were shaking, a pure look of horror on her face as she stared at a man with hands littering his body as he seemingly talked to the man who was made of some type of purple mist.

"Thirteen please evacuate the students! I'll take care of the villains." Aizawa yelled as he took charge towards the rows of villains to use his work and capture weapon to wipe them out one by one.

"D..Don't go! It's dangerous." Tsuna yelled out for the first time in front of her classmates and teacher, worry etched onto her face, sweat dripping down her face, her eyes widened with fear.

"Don't worry I'm a hero," the man smirked and left, quickly taking them down, even the ones he couldn't use his quirk on. She bit her lip in worry, Iida catching her attention.

"Come on we need to go!" He yelled, leading the class to the entrance, however they were intercept by the purple mist and glowing yellow eyes.

"Hello everyone, I am Kurogiri from the league Of Villains. We are here to end The Symbol Of Peace." His voice hissed, Tsuna immediately recognized him, he was the only one who had been nice to her, he protected her as much as he could, she stepped back in fear as Kirishima and Bakugo jumped into the air their quirks activated to attack the man, Thirteen yelling at the two to back down and tried to use their quirk to suck in the mist of a man. "Let the games begin!" He chuckled as the mist surrounded the students encasing them inside of it. She felt a soft hand grab onto her arm as she was dragged into the dark mist, she shut her eyes tensing her body as her world seemed to shift. A strong thrust of wind rushed through her hair and ears, opening her eyes she saw that she was falling towards the mountain zone and quickly, turning to her side she saw Momo, she was probably the one who grabbed onto her, pulling the girl into her side, she released her quirk through her feet orange flames  slowing their descent as they grew closer to the ground. Gently landing on the ground she released the shorter girl who let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank god, that was a close one!" Momo fixed her hair that was ruffled by the wind, before looking around the area, she heard a crackle of electrify not far from them and a Yelp from a villain. "That must be kaminari, we should probably regroup with him. We don't need to be out numbered."

"Sounds like a good plan." Tsuna agreed, following after the girl. They followed the sounds of fighting and turned into a clearing seeing Jirou in a fighting stance her ear jacks raised ready to jab someone in the eye as Kaminari stood near her side his hands out in front of him ready to release his quirk.

"Kaminari ,Jirou, I'm glad you guys are okay!" Momo yelled catching the attention of the two and the villains surrounding them.

"Oh good, we have a todoroki with us!" Kaminari cheered, clearly happy that tsuna was there. Tsuna glanced around taking count of the villains before looking to momo.

"Momo can you make a metal rod?" Tsuna asked as she put her hand out dark blue flames encircled the villains trapping them.

"Yes! What do you need it for?" She asked as she quickly started to form the object.

"I want you to throw it into the circle of villains, Kaminari I want to you to use your quirk as much as you can and conduct it to the metal rod. If I'm right, it'll electrocute the villains. While you do that I'll keep my flames as hot as they can be to keep them in the circle.

"Yeah that sounds about right, but you guys  could get caught in the cross fire though!"He replied, looking towards the two girls in worry.

"I can create an insulated blanked to protect us!" Momo pointed out as she spread her costume open revealing her breasts, Jirou yelled and stood in front of the girl to protect her decency as her and tsuna both blushed heavily, tsuna covering the blondes eyes.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: May 07, 2021 ⏰

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