Chapter Four

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"I did what I thought was right!" Tsuna yelled, standing up to her father.

"That doesn't matter, you used your quirk without a license! Do you know what kind of scandal that would put under my name!?" The man rose his voice, his quirk igniting.

"Nobody gives a damn about your name! I couldn't just sit there and let an innocent child get killed! It's what a good hero would do!" She spat, her eyes glowing, and the flamed horns on her head getting bigger and bigger.

"You're not a hero and you never will be! You will go to college when you finish high school." Enji growled out, only angering the girl even more.

"I will be a hero, I'll be a better hero then you! All you are is a villain!"


"You..hit me.." Tsuna held her cheek, it slightly being burnt from the heat of his hand, slowly backing away.

"Tsuna..." He started, but couldn't finish as she slid the door open and ran off to her training room, shutting everyone out.

"You haven't hit her in a while," Natsuo stated. "Not since before it happened" He shook his head and walked back to his room. The man only sighed and sat on the floor with his head in his hands.

It was scorching hot in the titanium. Her entire body engulfed in bright blue flames, small burns on her body from it. She had made sure she had nothing with her before she went to her fathers office. She expected this. She laid there, letting the flames consume her, the only thing being melted and burned away were her clothes. Her necklace perfectly intact, being made of pure tungsten. She hated her home life, the only good thing being Natsuo and Fuyumi, her own twin brother never even talked to her, the last time he did was at Touyas funeral, and it didn't end well.

Bang Bang

"Ow, the doors freaking hot!" Fuyumi could be heard.

"We should let her cool of Umi, you know it's best not to bother her when she's like this." Nastuo suggested.

"I know, I'm just worried.. I don't know what to do." She sighed, "maybe I can make some of favorite snacks."

"Yeah let's go do that." She could hear them walking away, leaving her to herself. Sitting up she looked down at her body,  deep angry scars littered her body. The largest one coming from her shoulder blade to her hip, standing up she hit a button next to the door, a shower of water coming from a shower head from above putting out the fire surrounding her.

"I will be a better hero then him, I'll be the best."

—Three years later—

"Are you ready for the exams?" Yagi Toshinori smiled down at his successor, who leaned back against the bench they were sitting on.

"I guess, I just hope I get in y'know?"

"I believe you will, you have come a long way Young Tsuna. I am proud to call you my successor." The man smiled resting a hand on the girls shoulder.

"And I'm glad to call you my mentor." She gave a small smile, she had received his quirk two years ago, at the age of 13. She had worked hard, it was worth every drop of sweat and blood.

"Why didn't you accept my offer to recommend you?" The man wondered.

"Because, I want to earn my place. I don't want it to be given to me like it was for shoto. I want to show everyone that I deserve my place." Tsuna stated, looking down at her calloused hands. "I want to show the world that I'm here."

"That's what I like to hear. Why don't I drop you off? I have some business to attend to there."

"Okay, sounds good old man." Tsuna teased as they walked to the red pick up truck and drove off too UA.

The conference room was filled to the brim with students, she was sat next to a spiky red headed boy, who didn't even glance at her. Present Mic began listing off the rules and the villain bots they were going to be going against. But, was interrupted by a blue haired male who seemed overly strict, quickly annoying the girl. He began yelling at a green haired boy who only whined out an apology for muttering too loud.

"Ugh what a drag." Tsuna groaned and felt relief as they were finally allowed to begin the writing exam.

It didn't take her long, she knew almost every answer, she was lucky to have Toshinori as a tutor her. She winced at Present Mics loud yell, signaling them that time was up.

Nerves finally began to settle in, the physical exam about to begin any minute now, in the corner of her eye she saw a short brown haired girl, who was stretching out her limbs, getting prepared for the exam. She wanted to say good luck, but stopped herself, now was not the time to get close to anyone.

"ARE YOU REAAAADY?!" Yelled Present Mic, utter silence was his reply. "Ahem, go! What're you standing around for!? I said go!"

Tsuna shot off before all the other students, going after the robotic villains. Using fluid moments to create blue fire and shoot that she created, shooting it into the central unit of the bots, taking the down one by one, she took down six of the one point bots, five of the two point bots and six of the three points ending with fourty-two points.

"Ngh, help! Somebody help me!" She heard a girl screaming, looking around she only saw people running away from the screaming, anger swelling up in her heart. She grit her teeth and used her flames through her feet to shoot herself into the air, speeding towards the direction of the girl crying out for help. 'These people want to be heroes yet they are not even running to help the person screaming?! Useless!'

Skidding to a stop, she looked up. Seeing a large zero pointer looming over her and the downed person, trapped under debris. 'Why aren't the teachers stepping in?!'

"Help me! I can't get it off!" It was the brown haired girl she saw earlier, panic in her round brown eyes.

"Hold on!" Tsuna bit her lip, she grit her teeth as she channeled One For All throughout her body, she could feel the heat flow through her body, the flames she created and one for all mixing together. Becoming one. She lowered herself to the ground before taking off straight towards the Zero Pointer, raising her hand, it flowed hotter and hotter before she let out a beam of fire, all colors of a rainbow releasing it straight into the zero pointer instantly killing it. Whenever she activated One For All, her bodies heat raised to the temperate of 2'200°-3000°the same temperature as lava. But, if she raised it any higher then that temperature she would have serious draw backs, such as serious burns, cracks in her skin that turn would stay permanently, along with mild organ failure. One for all mixed with her multicolored flames and created a rainbow, she called it her Inferno Brace.

"TIMES UP!" Present Mics voice was heard through out the exam sight, tears welled up in Tsunas eyes as she laid next to the downed burning bot. She was breathing heavily, mild burns covering her body, her tracksuit having been burned away leaving her in her sport bra and boxers.

"I didn't get enough points.." Tsuna grit her teeth, clenching her fist.

"Oh my, you pushed yourself too far dearie." A sweet elderly voice stated, looming over her. "No cracks this time at least."

"I'm sorry Recovery Sensei, I forgot to hold back.." Tsuna frowned, avoiding the old woman's gaze, afraid of seeing disappointment.

"I know little tsuna, you did good." She smiled and smooched the girl on the head healing the burns before attending to others in need. With a sigh, she got up and left the sight anger evident on her face due to her failure, as she finally reached the entrance of UA, she quickly spotted her twin brother who looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Clearly seeing her undressed appearance.

"Don't even say anything." With that they got in their family car, utter silence between them.

"You look like an angry fox."

"I said not to say anything!"

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