The Final Goodbye

Start from the beginning

The boys drew back, the eldest shook his head
"We don't know, Aunt" he said "but we do know it wasn't you"
"No, never you" Richard agreed

"I'm glad you know that" their Aunt replied, wiping away her tears and smiling at them "now, can someone please tell me what I'm doing here!"

The boys took her hand, lead her back to the blanket and together they sat down. Marian stared at the three before her expectantly "well?" She asked.
"You are not dead" The youngest of the group said
"But you are not alive either" his brother added

"In other words, your mind and soul are still strong, Marian, but your body is failing you. An day in here is a mere minute in the normal world...and in just a few mortal seconds you are to be lost to your family and friends forever" Meg stated, reaching out and placing a hand atop the Queen's "We are here to tell you to keep fighting,  just for a little longer. Your family needs you. England needs you"

"Are you even real?" Marian enquired "Is this real or is it simply an elaborate hallucination that has taken over my mind while I'm tittering on the brink of death"
"Think of it how you will" Meg replied, again her answer was a cryptic one, "but heed our words"

"Fight Marian" Richard urged "Fight for us, for your family"
"Please, Aunt" Marian looked at her eldest nephew "You have won all of the battles that life has thrown at you and while none of us can escape death entirely, you can most certainly keep it at bay for longer"
"The boys speak wisely" Meg said, nodding and then suddenly springing up from the floor, holding out her hand "Come" she invited "Walk with me"

Marian smiled, taking the outstretched hand and also rising from the blanket before the two women linked arms and began to walk across the never ending field together.

"I suppose you have questions" Meg asked and Marian nodded "about what Harry told you?"
" it true?"
Meg sighed, looked at Marian and nodded, a small smile on her face.
"Yes, it's true...I have always loved you Marian but I know you shall never love me"
"I do love you, Meg" Marian started
"Though not in the way I would wish"

"I suppose" Marian muttered quietly "I am sorry"
Meg laughed a little
"There is nothing to be sorry for, Marian. It is one of the curses of the world, that we cannot choose who we love. Lord knows it would be much easier if we could! But as it is, I love you, you love Richard and that is just how it is...all I care for is your happiness and you have been happy haven't you?" Marian nodded, offered her friend a small smile.
"I have..."

They continued to stroll, reminiscing over old times together until suddenly a heavenly sound filled the sky, rather like the strum of a lute or harp. Either way it was beautiful and Marian looked up to the sky, smiling.
"I suppose that is a signal that my time here is almost at an end?"

"Yes." Meg replied, face now rather solemn "and this is where we must say goodbye forever"
"Oh, surely not forever!" Marian cried "You visited me once when at Middleham! I'm sure you can do it again!"
Her friend shook her head, smiled sadly
"I'm afraid here is where we part" after a moment of slight hesitation, she suddenly leaned forward, pressed a soft kiss to Marian's lips before drawing back and blushing slightly "goodbye" she whispered. Marian now darted forward, wrapping her arms around the other woman's neck and hugging her tightly.
"Goodbye, Meg. I shall miss you madly!...keep the boys safe for me"

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