Forever is not a number? Oh, then infinity.

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  A frown marked his face as he saw a smile making it's way to her face,  "Descartes is a crazy man in my opinion, but...a smart one. He was overly racional, too racional. He began his search by doubting everything he layed his eyes on. The education, the reality until he began to doubt his own existence."

    Aizawa opened his mouth but (Y/n) quickly interrupted him "wait, I'm getting there. Descartes determined that the very act of doubting his own existence served as proof that he, himself existed."

        "So~" She smiled at him, as everyone saw her challenge the teacher with no fear "That's where he concluded that if he thought therefore he existed."

     "However, what most people don't know is that the full sentence is "dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum" or if you would prefer it in Japanese "I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am". 

     struck by the weird silence in the room, (Y/n) arkwardly spoke "I think...that's all there is on that."

          I got carried away....dang it.

        The silence was suffocating, did she say too much? And her thoughts and anxiety were killing her as everyone stared at the girl. Until the silence was broken by a husky voice.

       "Why are you all shocked?" Bakugou spoke taking all the attention that was on the girl to himself "That's what to expect from a person who's quirk is literally to know."

        "I guess.... he's right." Kirishima spoke, looking to the side. 

       "Of course, I'm right" Bakugou grunted looking at Aizawa, who seemed unfazed at the girl's act. It was as if the always challeged each other everyday on things, when in fact they did.

    Every once in a while they'd try to see who knew better, sometimes Aizawa would win and sometimes Aizawa would lose.

      "Still...I feel so dumb around her" Denki mumbled.

      "Everyone is smarter than you dumbass" Bakugou side glanced the girl, what the heck was wrong with her expression? It was fear mixed with anxiety while at the same time she tried to hide it. However, she was failing miserably.

      "Ah Bakugou, you're so mean to me" Denki whined, recebing a 'tsk' from the dandelion boy.

     As quick as the thought of love leaved the girl, it came back. With no delay, Aizawa called everyone's attetion and resumed class. Once class was finished, she still sat on her seat unmoving working on her thoughts.

     "Hey?" Momo called Todoroki, who was beside her packing his things "Is she okay?" Momo pointed behind to the girl behind her, Todoroki's eyes following her fingers. 

     "Yeah, she's just thinking" Todoroki put his backpack on his shoulders, walking towards the girl, poking her, he removed her from her stance. "You okay?"

      "Yup! Just thinking!" Todoroki looked at the black haired female in a I-told-you-so look. Momo smiled, seeing the girl was fine. She slipped a paper towards the girl.

       "If you need me, just call me" She winked, leaving the classroom with Jirou by her side. (Y/n) looked at the paper, Momo gave her.

        "You know," Shoto looked to the side, a small, yet unnoticeable blush on his cheeks "You can also call me if you need help"

        "I can't." Todoroki looked at her, startled at her denying "My phone's broken" She stuck her tongue out, smiling as she closed one eye. "But if I do get one...You'll be the first one I'll add." The dual haired boy slightly smiled.

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