Mother Knows Best

Start from the beginning

"It tastes like tofu...." Your mom whispers to you in (language). You look at her disappointed. "Could you not be so whiny mom?" You whispered back. To which she giggles. "You look so cute when you're mad." She added. You blushed, with full of embarassment.

"Chibita, have you seen Dekapan?" Karamatsu asked, starting a conversation with him.

"Huh? Uh no. He should be at his place right now." Chibita replied.

"Yes, but I've been going to his place since the beginning of this week. He hasn't appeared anywhere." Karamatsu adds.

"Why do you need to find him for?" You asked. 

"I was hoping he could make me a camera monitor for Yumi. But one I could control easily and always check on her." He explained

"Oh I see. So you want to make sure Yumi is all safe at night?" You asked

"Well, just last night, I heard foot steps in the hallway and someone singing to Yumi. I thought it was weird considering you and I-" He gets interrupted by your mom spitting out alcohol out of her mouth. The alcohol landed on Chibita's head. Everything went silent for less than a sec. 

"Gosh, I am sorry little- I mean, sir." Your mom apologized. You sighed in disappointment. You were getting embarrassed by all of this. Karamatsu could tell how uncomfortable you were getting. 

"D-don't worry, uhm, why don't we go to the playground already? Yumi gets very demanding if we take too long. heheheh" Karamatsu nervously suggested. You gave him a thank you nod, and your mother just followed along. Chibita, still being wet from the alcohol, decided to close the oden for awhile. So the 4 of you awkwardly left the place. 

Karamatsu felt a really bad tension now. He didnt want to be involve of this. He already knows the fact you don't feel happy with your parents. But as awkward as the air was getting, the more he wanted to avoid it. "Why d-don't you ladies have  a chat on the bench while I'm with Yumi in the sandbox. Sounds good?" 

You nodded, allowing Kara to quickly take Yumi out of your arms and walk to the sandbox. You and your mom sit down on the bench. You let out a sigh and just stare at your mom. Then you had the courage to speak to her.

"Mom, were you the one who sang to Yumi last night?" You asked in (language). "I'm sorry hun, she's just so cute. Not to mention she's a baby. I have experience so I thought I could sing her to sleep." Your mom explained. "Mom, she was already asleep before you sang." You grunted. "I know, but I still wanted to hold her." Your mom pouted. You just sighed. 

"Mom, why did you came with us?" You asked her

"Oh, well, honestly, I wanted to go out and have fun with you." She admitted.

"That's very nice of you to think mom, but this was a date and a free day. Tomorrow, Karamatsu is goig back to work. And he's going to be gone for a whole day. We barely have time for each other. I love him so much." You explained to your mom.

"Honey, if this is an issue about money, I can always give you an allowance. I can give you 10% of my income as y merch gets spread." Your mom adds

"Mom, it's not ann issue about money. It's an issue about our spare time. We only have 24 hours to be together each week. It's barely enough for us to feel happy." You said sadly.

"If its such an issue, I can babysit for you." Your mom said.

"Mom, I am the babysitter here! Not you!" 

"I know. Bt when it comes to love, you need to be with your partner for a long time. The relationship will be dead sooner than you think. I know this because I went through it." Your mom said.

Karamatsu x Reader (Single Dad AU)Where stories live. Discover now