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The kids ran around happily, going back to get their bags as they met their new parents. They had turned as they walked past me with their heads bowed and the smirk playing on my lips wouldn't leave. I held on to the bag tighter as I made turns leading to the administrator's office. Voices speaking in hushed tones sounded behind the door, and I took my sweet time to lift my knuckles against the wooden door.

"Come in." Her soft voice said, soft my ass.

"You sent for me?" I asked, my hands behind my back. It was something that had been forced into our minds as children, something we had all grown used to after doing it daily.

"Yes child, meet your new parents." She gestured towards the basic looking people smiling cheerfully at me.

I rolled my eyes," No."

"W-what? What do you mean no?" The lady stuttered as she stared at me with wide eyes.

"I don't like trouble, shouldn't you be getting a child?" I questioned as I tapped my foot against the floorboard.

"Last I checked, you are a child." The man said looking at his wife and the woman seated comfortably on her chair.

Mrs. Toda shook her head and stared at me with a frown," Be quiet."

"I don't understand, she doesn't want to be adopted?" The woman asked.

"No." "Yes." I had said yes, which was why I was getting glared at by Mrs. Toda.

"She's just going through a phase." She waved it off with a nervous smile.

I stared at the woman and her husband as I leaned in towards them," I know I look like I'm sex on legs, but I wouldn't touch your husband. If he ever does though, or if you do, I'll slice off your hands. I am not going through a phase and I know what I meant when I said no. You're probably going to dump me after two weeks, which is totally okay, trust me. Still want to adopt me?"

They both stared at each other with wide eyes and quivering hands, looking at Mrs. Toda, who had her head in her palms as she cursed me in her mind.

"Just what I thought, I'll get you some five-year-olds to ad-"

"We'll take her." The man said with tears in his eyes as he held hands with his wife," She's perfect."

"Wait, what? Are you alright in the head?" I questioned as I stared at both of them. They had watery smiles on their faces.

"We lost our daughter, she would have been your age if we hadn't lost her," She sobbed," T-that's why you're perfect. We can see her in you."

I stood there staring at them and watching them show so much emotions in front of two strangers; I was supposed to get my freedom next year. Why did they have to come? Why aren't they looking for a younger child?

"Go pack your bags, child, you're going with them." Mrs. Toda said, finality in her tone as she stared into my eyes.

"Fine," I growled as I walked back to the little room I had.

I hadn't packed any clothes to prepare for today because I didn't expect two crazy people to show up here needing a child my age and crying. I hated crying or seeing people cry, one of my peeves. I dumped my shirts and jeans into my carrier, some hairbrushes here and there, the little painting Adaline had drawn for me as well, then finally the necklace on the dresser was on my neck. I looked around the pale-colored room and sighed as I touched the hole in the wall.

"Till we meet again," I grunted, pulling the carrier over my shoulder and locking the room.

The kids were outside, playing and running around with joy in their eyes as they expected their adoptions.

"You're leaving?" Adaline asked as she stared at me with cold eyes.

"Uh uhn, looks like it."

"How long?" She quipped with a soft smile.

"A week give or take, they'll get tired quicker than any other. They look pretty desperate." I said as I shifted on my foot.

"Don't miss me too much." She said, turning and limping towards her room. Damaged goods don't get picked, had been her first words to me and she was right. Once families saw the disability column painted, they looked on to another child. I dropped the keys in Mrs. Toda's office, avoiding her eyes as I did so.

"Are you ready?" The man asked as he raised his hands to help me with my carrier, which made me hold on to it tighter," I just want to put it in the trunk."

"I can do that myself," I said as I brushed past him and walked towards the trunk, and dropped it in.

"What is your name?" The woman asked as she fidgeted with the wedding ring on her finger.

"Rain," I replied, looking out the window, all too familiar with the process.

"That sounds like a lovely name." He said, staring at me through the mirror," I'm Lincoln and her name is Penny."

"Okay," I said, hearing them sigh at the pointless conversation.

I didn't care to ask for the time as the car drove on in silence; they had realized how pointless it was to drag me into their conversations, so they spoke to each other instead. I had refused to get down for a pee break and I had refused to get the snack bar Lincoln had brought with him from the mart. I dozed in and out of consciousness. Just how far had they driven to get to the orphanage to get me? Of all the choices they could have made.

We pulled into the driveway of a mansion, and I stared. Been there, done that. Most of the time, the rich folks believed they had a role in saving a delinquent. Fun fact was, I didn't need saving, neither was I a delinquent. It was late in the evening when he finally turned off the engine. The lights in the house were on, meaning there had to be more people inside.

"We're here." She said as she got down from the car with a smile.

"I need to get my carrier," I stated, getting down from the car and moving towards the trunk.

"Oh, leave it dear. The maid will get it." She said, turning to pull the door open.

"Welcome to your new home, Rain." She turned to face me.

For a week, I added in my mind, just enjoy this for a week.


I figured Rain then didn't get so much fun in the drafted version, so... Here we have Rain!

Your thoughts on the first chapter?

Your thoughts on Rain?


Shallow Waters  (Coming Soon)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن