Chapter 1: I Made It

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Natsuki's POV


I sat on a mall bench, waiting for announcements to be made. A bag stuffed full of clothes and other items beside me. Today is the day when highschool placements for the next generation of witches are made. There is a school I'm trying to get to in specific, mostly because if I don't my dad will beat the crap out of me, and the school has dorms, and free food, so I'll be able to live a decent life while i'm there, plus it's apparently the best school there is but I don't really care about that. The TV turned on. "We will now be announcing the people who made it into the legendary Meadow Ridge High!" That's the school I want into. I directed my attention to the man on the screen. "Starting with the males , " He said and began to list names. I don't really care about boys.  "And finally Ezekiel Don!" The male said before handing the list he was reading to the female announcer. "Now for the ladies!" Now I paid attention. "First, Tiffany Noel!" I don't know her. "Sarah Chance!" I don't know her either. "Monika Hudson!" A few more name's were called. I began to get worried, what if I didn't make it in? "Natsuki Graham!" My name was called. I jumped up from my seat and pumped my hands into the air. "I'm going to smart people school bitches!" I yelled running to get the little pamphlets school staff were handing out to new students. I got some dirty glares from other people but I didn't mind. I was to happy. "The bus will be picking up new students soon, go ahead grab whatever you need and then head to the bus station." The lady handing out pamphlets said with a smile. I nodded and ran back to where I was and hoisting my bag over my shoulders and darting towards the bus station. I have a wide grin on my face. A few years away from my father! Hell yeah! I arrived at the bus station a few minutes before I needed to be there, there was a bunch of other students waiting as well.

The bus pulled up to the station and opened it's doors, students formed a line and the driver made sure everyone was on the bus before driving away. I wonder what the school is like. Will they teach magic like ancient witches used to do? What about familiars? I sat in thought the entire way to the school. I snapped out of it once I saw the size of the school, it's huge! It looks like some medieval castle. The bus came to a complete stop and students shuffled out quietly. "Welcome to Meadow Ridge everyone, I'm the headmistress Kali. Nice to meet you all." A woman said, standing infront of the doors of the school. Her familiar stood behind her. "Please follow me to your dorms, there is a map of the school in each dorm." She said opening the doors. 

The interior is beautiful. The lobby is the size of my entire home. The headmistress lead us to the doors. She said that the dorms will only consist of the same gender. She said who would be in each dorm. Apparently i'm rooming with someone named Monika, I remember her name. I walked into the dorm. Followed by a girl with brown hair tied up into a pony tail, she had emerald green eyes. She smiled and reached out her hand. I shook it. "Nice to meet you, I'm Monika." "I'm Natsuki, nice to meet you too." I said throwing my bag over on the bed farthest to the right. "There's four beds in each dorm, I wonder why." Monika pondered. "Two for us two for our familiars, isn't that obvious?" I said  looking back at her. Her expression went blank. "Yeah I kinda forgot we were gonna get familiars." She said scratching the back of her neck. I giggled. "They said to be at the food place by seven right?" I asked. "Food place? You mean the cafeteria?" Monika asked in return. "Yeah, I've never been able to say it right so I call it the food place." I explained "Oh. Yes, they said we needed to be there by seven." Monika confirmed. "Cool, let's get going." I said leaving the door, Monika followed me.  There was directions everywhere, so we got there easily.

The headmistress was watching students sit down with trays of food. "Another welcome to everyone," She started. "after dinner we suggest you head to your dorms so you can get proper rest. Summoning your familiar takes a lot of strength. We want everyone to succeed." She explained. "As of today, you are all official students of Meadow Ridge Highschool. Be proud of yourselves, and have a goodnight." The headmistress walked out of the lunch room. Everyone in the room happily ate their food. I would have to, if he wouldn't of came over here. A male with black hair and brown eyes sat down at the table me and Monika were seated at. "Hey ladies." He said with an smirk. "I'm Ezekiel. But I'm sure you already knew that." This bitch had the audacity to wrap his arm around me. Monika could she the pure rage in my eyes. "Look Ezekiel, could you please back off?" Monika tried to reason with him. "Hm? Why would you want me too, I'm amazing!" I want to punch this kid in the face. I growled. Ezekiel wrote his phone number on a napkin and left the table. "So are we gonna prank him later?" Monika asked looking at the napkin. "I like the way you think." I said with a sly smile. She smiled back.

After dinner we went back to our dorm. "So how are we gonna do this?" Monika asked throwing Ezekiel's phone number on the carpet. "Hm, call a pizza place on your phone then call him on mine?" I suggested. Monika nodded and began dialing the nearest pizza place while I dialed Ezekiel. We set our phones next to each other. "Hello thanks for calling Domino's Pizza what can I get you today?" The pizza man asked. "Uhhh..." Ezekiel was confused. Me and Monika tried to hold in our laughing. Ezekiel just hung up after some angry muttering. Monika said her sorry to the pizza man and hung up. "That was awesome!" I said laughing. Monika nodded and giggled. "So, tomorrow were gonna get our familiars huh?" Monika said climbing into the bed she chose. "I guess so." I said throwing myself on to my bed. "I wonder what their going to be like.." Monika said, letting her head fall on her pillow..

Meanwhile, in an unknown realm. 

"I wonder what their gonna be like!" A girl with coral pink hair and cat ears said bouncing around her purple-haired friend who also had cat ears, her tail  swayed slightly. "Calm down Sayori, we need to get rest for tomorrow, crossing realms is a very energy consuming thing." Her friend said. "I can't! I'm to excited Yuri!" Sayori said, now jumping on her bed. "Fine, but when you don't pass don't blame me." Yuri said throwing her covers over herself. Sayori stopped and started to scramble under her blanket. "Don't pass!? I can't let that happen! I need lot's of rest!" She said making herself comfortable on her bed. "Cool how we could end up anywhere in that other realm, isn't it?" Sayori rambled. "It is indeed." Yuri smiled. Sayori gasped. "Wait! If we aren't in the same place promise you'll come find me!" Sayori asked pleadingly. "I promise." Yuri mumbled. "Goodnight." She said turning out the light. "Night!"


A/N: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeee I hate my brain.

No I did not write this because I watched Little Witch Academia, my inspiration actually came from an anime called Welcome To Demon School! Iruma-kun. It's on crunchy roll, it's funny and I suggest you watch it.

Love Is A Magical Thing (Natsuki x Yuri Fanfic, Side Sayonika)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz