"He's with me" I answered as Bam called again.

"Where?" Bam sniffed, sounding like the kid I knew.

"Where else idiot. Seoul. Come here. He's safe and I'm sorry but I've got to go" I replied, shaking my head as I hung up and rushed for a meeting.

Our Thursday and Friday past with Mark and I heading out for dinner once I came back from work, using the time for us to get out of our minds. I didn't tell Mark about Bam, not wanting him to get upset again.

I distracted Mark by bringing him from sight to sight at night in Seoul, feeling better with him beside me until the weekend where he decided to wake me up.

"That's it. Enough moping for both of us. Let's go out" Mark shouted, bouncing on the mattress next to me.

"You're the mopey one" I grumbled, covering the blanket over my head.

"Look. If he can't handle that you're rich and powerful then so be it. Forget him already. You worked your way up here" Mark shrugged, already pulling an outfit for me from my wardrobe.

My eyes darken at the thought and I turned my head away, not wanting Mark to comment any further.

"Here you go. Wear this" he smiled, his eyes still sad despite the curved lips.

"Yeah" I nodded, getting up to shower and humour him anyway.


"This is Lotte World Tower" I gestured, the doorman opening the door for us.

"Come on. Let's go eat" I smiled, wrapping my arm around his shoulders and tugging him along.

"Here?" He gasped, turning to look around while we waited for the elevator.

"Yes here. You wanted Korean food so I'm bringing you to a traditional Korean food restaurant"

"We don't have to go to such a fancy place..." he mumbled as I directed us to the 81st floor.

"Just. Let's" I mumbled, waving him off when the thought of Jinyoung came to mind.


Mark insisted we hang out after lunch and dinner, the two of us going bar hopping around Itaewon instead. We grabbed cocktails and beers at each bar before settling at one for the night, the two of us reminiscing about our past.

I called a driver when I noticed Mark becoming sleepy and finished his drink for him, the two of us finally heading home after the long day.

"I don't want to go home" Mark mumbled, leaning against the railing.

"We'll go out again tomorrow" I promised, tipping the driver before we headed up to my apartment.

"Do you think Bam cares that I'm gone?" He asked softly, his eyes incredibly sad.

"He does" I replied, staring at the flickering digits as the elevator crawled upwards.

"Come on. Let's tuck you into bed"

I showered quickly and sat in the spare bedroom, waiting for Mark to get ready. He came into the room with a small smile, still drying his hair with a towel.

"He stopped calling yesterday" Mark mumbled, crawling under the covers and turning to face me.

"I know"

Mark was quiet before he spoke up again "has he given up on us?"


"Would you tell me what he said?" Mark tried, tugging on my sleeve for me to face him.

The Way - JinsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora