The Moon And The Stars

Start from the beginning

"No, she's just worried that..." Spencer trails off, a thoughtful look on his face. "I don't know," He shrugs yet again. "She's my mother. She worries."

"That doesn't exactly instill confidence."

"It'll be fine," Spencer says and kisses her quickly before moving away.

"It'll be fine, he says," Devyn whispers under her breath but she moves to pack her own bag.


The plane ride to Nevada is about as glamorous as it sounds. But the couple arrive soon enough and check into their hotel but they don't stay, instead they leave to go see Diana as soon as they can.

Devyn fidgets the entire way over. When they exit the vehicle, Spencer grabs onto her hand and squeezes, easing most of her nerves.

"Spencer," The lady behind the desk greets with a smile and Reid returns it. "She's been talking non-stop since you told her you were visiting. Telling everyone that her son was bringing his beautiful girlfriend. Her words." She then smiles at Devyn who nods back, suddenly bashful.

"She's doing good today?"

"Really good," The woman nods and motions towards the other room. "Go on back."

"Thank you," Spencer says before moving away, leading Devyn at his side. He clears his throat and looks down at her before taking a deep breath. "Mom?" The blonde woman in the chair before them turns at his voice, standing as a smile makes its way onto her face.

"Spencer," Opening her arms, Diana moves forward and engulfs her son in a hug that he quickly returns. "You feel skinny," She states while pulling back, her hands holding his upper arms. "Have you been eating enough?"

"Yes, mom," Spencer mumbles. "Um, this is Devyn. Remember? I told you about her."

"The girl who stole my son's heart," Devyn's eyes widen just slightly and she looks to Spencer. But the next thing she knows, Diana is hugging her as well. "You're also skinny. What's with you young people?"

"Mom," Spencer whispers to her and she holds up her hands while backing off.

"It's good you made time to come, I don't see you enough," Diana says when they all take a seat and Spencer frowns.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"You're grown up now, I know that," Diana tells her son. "But you're still my little boy." Devyn smiles at that, squeezing Spencer's hand and smiling up at him.

"Mrs. Reid-"

"Please, call me Diana," The older woman cuts Devyn off, but not unkindly.

"Diana," Devyn corrects. "I uh, wasn't sure but I have to ask. Do you have any pictures of little Spencer?" Said man groans, his head falling back onto the couch behind him.

"Do I?" Diana mumbles and moves her arm over the side of the chair and brings it back, holding a big photo album. Devyn smiles at Spencer, raising her eyebrows. Diana must've already planned on looking at them. "Here he is as a baby," She moves to sit on the couch next to Devyn, opening the book to the first page and pointing at the pictures.

"Aww," Devyn coos but Spencer only seems more annoyed and embarrassed. "Look at those glasses," Devyn mutters, pointing to a six-year-old Spencer with glasses a bit too big for his face. "You were adorable." She tells her boyfriend and he smiles a tight-lipped smile. "Still are, just, handsome as well."

"I bet Garcia can find some pictures of you as a child," Spencer says but Devyn shakes her head.

"There are things even PG can't find," Devyn whispers to him before turning back to the photo album.

An hour later, Devyn excuses herself to the bathroom, leaving mother and son together. "I like her," Diana states as soon as the younger woman is out of earshot. Spencer's smile widens at his mother's approval. "When are you going to ask her?"

"Ask her what?" Spencer questions, face scrunching up in confusion.

"I know you, Spencer. The way you look at her, it's only a matter of time before I get a daughter-in-law."

"I-" Spencer cuts himself off and clears his throat, glancing towards where Devyn disappeared to. Despite it just being his mother he's talking to, a blush still spreads across his cheeks. "I've thought about it," He admits. "But...I don't know."

"What's worrying you?"

Shrugging, Spencer scratches the back of his neck. "I guess I feel like we haven't been together long enough. And I don't think that matters, she's the most amazing person I've ever met, I can't imagine not being with her but..." He trails off, looking down at his hands, his knee bouncing. "What if that's not what she wants?" The fear and worry goes deeper than that but it's the simplest way he knows how to say it.

"Spencer," Diana sighs and shakes her head. "The way you look at her...she looks at you the same. To you, it's like she hung the moon. To her, it's like you hung the stars. If that's not a perfect match, I don't know what is."

"Maybe," Spencer mutters, catching sight of Devyn from the corner of his eye. His mother's words do help, but there's still that pit of anxiety in the bottom of his stomach.

"What're you guys talking about?"

"Nothing," Spencer answers, a little too quickly and Devyn gives him a strange look but doesn't push the subject.

The couple spend a little more time with Diana before leaving with the promise to see her again before they leave. Spencer takes her to a place he used to frequent for dinner. Devyn catches him staring at her from across the table at one point. He flushes and looks down, his mother's words running through his head.


1. Devyn met Diana and I think it went well! What about you guys?
2. Devyn did tell Spencer about her father getting out. She made the smart decision and didn't keep it from him, thankfully. So now they're living together for now
3. Our couple is still in Vegas. Much could happen...theories?

Thanks for reading! I'd love to know what you guys think of this chapter!



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