Spring - the season of new beginnings.

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Spring,definately a most delightful and loved season of all.

Jungkook is one of the lovers of this preety season.It fascinates him that the season brings so much with it. It's the festival of rejuvenation,regards and regrowth. It brings joy and smiles.

He loves the way that fresh buds blooms under the beautifully shining sun and the mother earth also seems to come into life again.

Fairly, he is not very fond of winter.

The cold season appears dull and mostly plain.

He despises the fact that wherever he cross our eyes all he can see is a thick sheet of white covering the whole earth.

No sweet radiating heats as the sun usually stays behind the heavy fogs. Mist blinding the surroundings,bodies shivering in freezing cold and everything just appears colourless and depressing.

As if attending the college is not depressing enough.

But on the other hand spring brings colours and new smells ,existence and happinesses to the entire mankind and to the creatures of earth.

Spring,is also the season of cliches--birds chirping,bees buzzing and people falling in love.

Jungkook vividly remembers the lines of a beautiful love poetry that he reads,

           Every April your brain    
           unwittingly becomes a
           dopamine factory, turning
           you  into a love junkie...

Indeed,love also blooms,like the flowers in the spring and one of the many reasons that he loves the season this much.

He wish to fell in love as well.

He too,desires to bask in the warmth of his loved one but he is yet to but so hopeful.

Meanwhile for seokjin,these seasons are of no use. They comes and went just like the people on the streets.

He can not even comprehend that why many people really into all these seasons when life remains same,works remain as usual in its dull phase.Nothing really changes with the changing seasons except the clothing.

And what exactly the seasons brings.Do they bring easiness?

Or do they bring bread and butter?

Then why on the earth people do even bother to relish them. Are they that free to celebrate every new season that arrives.

Just like his boss,

She loves seasons, especially the spring.

She already went out on vacation for enjoying the springtime in Japan,forcing her workers to do over work which leads him to over shift in office and rub his ass over his work desk all day long.

As if working in a clerical department, twelve hours a day is not enough that she assigned him to over work for fourteen hours per day for an entire fucking month.

Livelihood is a whole lot of nuisance.

If it were in his hand ,he would have already deleted the word livelihood from the human history.

His frustrations are not because he despises his job or anything it is just his occasional anxiety that he has developed over years.

He thinks seasons has something to do with it.

Truthfully,seokjin is not afraid of the over shifting but this fourteen hours of shift is not a single season thing.

The nature lover boss of his went on  vacations around the entire world in every fucking season.

This winter she went to norway and get to experience the silent and serene fjords.

And for the past summer,she spends a month in India to experience the rich history and natural beauty.

This time around she left for Japan,to experience the verdant greenery ,cherry blossom and perfect weather.

As if cherry blossoms has gone extinct in korea,she could easily see it in the province of jinhae near busan or at jeju island as well.

Seokjin knows that on the way of his apartment here in seoul there is a park with cherry trees at the sides of it.

She could went to that park,if she had this much urge to waste her precious time on enjoy watching a mere tree.

Seokjin might sounds like a nagging old man. But that is true and as the wise men says that truth tastes sour.

It's not that he hates her boss.Because he really does.

Like how could she went out on a vacation for a month without bothering about her business?

She is really a careless and flighty for a boss?

Richest like her never be confronted by with the word struggle.They always have everything ready at their hands to employ.

Unlike him whose bestest buddy is struggle.

Exactly like a best friend,struggle is always besides him on every path of his life.

Their friendship start when he was only a teenager,as at the age of fifteen he started working his ass off.

First the part times jobs for continuing his studies and now the full time jobs for his survival.

His life is just a comedy drama genre movie,he wants to laugh on his own emphatic condition.

It's been more than ten years since he started working and he is still not used to the stress and the tiredness he receives in the consideration for working all day long.

It seems like,work has become his sole companion.More so,he never had a chance to get himself into a romantic relationship.

Like how maintaining a girlfriend is even possible?When a man like him have no time,not even for himself.

Moreover,he really hadn't any plans to get in any kind of loving commitment.

He just wants to fuck those seasons,fuck the pretty spring to the scorching summer.

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