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rina: polly thinks every food is an apple
polly: no i don't!
rina, pointing to a cucumber: what's this?
polly: long apple
rina, pointing at a pumpkin: what's this?
polly: halloween apple


rina: crushes are the worst
polly: yeah. whenever i'm near someone i have a crush on i start acting really stupid
rina: but you're always acting stupid
polly: yeah... don't think about that one too hard.


kara: *eating a burger*
polly: hey can i have a bite?
kara: you could have the entire thing if you get up and order one for yourself
mays: kara can i have a bite of your burger?
kara: yeah sure, here say "ahhh"
polly: you piece of-


mays: rina is such a good older sister! she won me a plushie at the fair and we're gonna go watch a movie later and she'll buy me ice cream!
polly: that's cool! kara once dangled me out of the hotel window because she said i'm annoying

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