- Sudden meeting -

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Im doing these few chapters for practice for my exam TwT

Prompt: the main protaginist 's old crush suddenly moves into his neighborhood.

Highschool AU

Ship: schlattbur ( of course to start of)


Schlatt walks across the road back to his house at the corner of the neighborhood. He unlocks the door and announces : " IM HOME!". He's mother acknowledges this before asking him to go to do his homework.

He climbs up the stairs to his room and plops his heavy bag onto the floor and sighs. He takes a quick shower before pulling out his books and setting them on his messy desk. He sits on his comfortable armchair before pulling out his earphones and phone and putting on an animal crossing lofi playlist and doing his homework.

=========================Tem skip===========================================

After almost an hour, he had finished his work and leaned into his chair and stretching and yawning even though it was just evening. He heard his mother call him down for some reason and he slowly climbed down the stairs hearing his mother talk with another person. 'It looks like we have new neighbors.'  Schlatt thought. 

His mother introduced him to Philza which was a man in his thirties. As a familliar voice called for the man, Schlatt couldn't help but stand against the doorframe and letting out a quiet gasp of suprise.  The voice belonged to a teenager the age of Schlatt, he was brunette, he was wearing a yellow jumper, ripped jeans , a red beanie and sylindrical glasses, with a guitar slinged on his shoulder. His name was Wilbur Soot.

As Wilbur looked at him, he waved at him. Schlatt swore his face was a little red at that time. He waved back and walked back to his room and almost immediately grabbing his phone to one of his contacts, : Wiblur.

He sat on his bed to type to his old crush.................and he was back. He had known Wilbur from his elementary school where he had a crush on the brunette.

Ram boi >w< : 

Hi Wil. 



Ram boi >w<:

Im fine. I have to eat.



As Schlatt went down to eat, he cant help but stiffle a thought: 'do I still like him?'


Alrighty readers! Hoped you enjoyed! 

Words: 359

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