Chapter 4

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Waking up in bed, your body feels slightly stiff. Perhaps it was from the sudden lack of blood. Remembering the previous events, you hesitatingly reached your hand towards your neck. Your fingers gently caressed the area, immediately causing a shock of pain to shoot through your body. How in the hell am I supposed to hide this? It wasn't long before you heard a familiar voice. "I see that you're awake" He started, causing you to look directly over at him.

Letting out a long sigh, you decided to speak for yourself. "But.. why? Why would you do this to me?" You asked, almost feeling lost and confused. With a small laugh, a grin formed on his lips. "Isn't this what you asked for? Isn't this what you wanted" He asked. Your face turned a light shade of pink. In the end, he was right. You wanted to experience that feeling, the pain, and the way he pinned you against your will. Of course, from the show, Yuri made it seem like nothing. To be frank, it hurt a lot more than you were expecting.

Sitting up, you decided to push away what he just said. It wasn't smart to dwell over that. The situation probably could've been a lot worse. You were taken from your thoughts as you felt something touch your cheek. It was a kiss, from Kanato. You turned your head towards him, your eyes filled with more confusion than before. You opened your mouth to say something, but were interrupted by his words, "Don't ask about it." He said with a small blush spreading across his cheeks. A small smile came to your face, it was actually adorable. It's such a rare sight to see from an angry guy.

Kanato then looked over at you, anger filling his eyes. "Don't you even DARE think that!" He yelled with a growl, slamming his hand onto the desk. You flinch as you raise your hands to cover your ears, feeling scared. As if he continued to read your thoughts he turns away, his face softening a little bit. Looking down, you began to feel a bit of guilt in your stomach. Wait a minute... Why the hell am I feeling guilty? He's the one who began screaming and hitting things.

You tried your best to forget about it before looking over towards him. Frowning slightly, you began to show some sympathy. "Kanato.. Are you alright?" You asked as you gently placed a hand on his shoulder. You were still hesitant, seeing how angry he had just gotten. Hugging his bear tightly, he was silent for a few moments before muttering a small "Sorry". Tears welled into his eyes as he didn't say another word. Feeling as if your heart had shattered, you took your hand off his shoulder and wrapped them around him. He didn't reject the jester, but instead just stood there.

You both remained in that position for a good thirty seconds before you felt a pair of arms wrap back around you. Hearing a thud to the ground, you just assumed he had dropped teddy. "It's okay," You said with a slight smile. Though it was mostly a lie. What he did wasn't really okay and was awful behavior. "No, it's not okay. I got angry for my mistakes and took that out on you" He started. All time seemed to stop when his lips crashed into yours. He was kissing you. Not that you disliked it, but not a good time either.

Your face turned 30 shades of red as soon as he stopped. You were in utter shock as you tried to process what just happened. He stood there, with a small smirk on his face as he waited for your next move. As if your fangirl nature took over, you just crawled into bed and hid under your blankets, trying to not show your embarrassment.

The male began to laugh at you as you just gave him a glare in return, not wanting to say another word to him. You did feel a little upset by his actions though. I mean, this was your favorite character from a show and yet he was laughing at you? You sat up with a sigh, there really is no changing his personality. It's just who he is. Kanato then walked over and lightly kissed your cheek once again. Looking up at him, he didn't laugh this time. He gave a smile. A smile that was a lot more genuine than you've ever seen from him. In reality, or the show. Taking back your thoughts, he might be able to change...

//Heya my weebs. Missed me? Probably not, I'm a bit of an asshole for not updating this any sooner. Got no excuses. I just don't end up doing this.. I'll try to be more consistent. No promises

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