Chapter 3: Time Corpse

Start from the beginning

"I'm...Y/N... Y/N L/N. You're lord Sesshomaru, right?" Aside from already knowing him, she pretended not to in order not to appear suspicious. He gave no answer though, he kept staring at her after he looked in her direction. Deep thoughts swirled in his mind, curiosity was unnerving him and he wanted to get his answers, but she wouldn't say anything.

"Of course that's him, L/N! He's the one who rules the western lands," Obsidian answered for him and soon looked up at the 6'3 man. "Now to answer your question from before; the Time Corpse picked me out of the entirety of demons to test her strength, my lord. She has a large role to take part in that involves her kind. To be frank, I don't know what her kind is but the Time Corpse does," he finished and waited for a response from the tall man. Obsidian only stood at 5'11, so he was kind of short.

"Time Corpse... Where is it?" Sesshi's simple question made the bat hum in thought, this made him glance down at him with his piercing yellow eyes.

With one finger to his chin and his face expressing contemplation, Obsidian pondered on where she might be. "I honestly have no idea. She only shows up around people she either needs to speak with personally or needs assistance from," Answered the bat as he gave a smile, with his closed blind eyes looking over at the young woman. "To sate both of our curiosities, why don't you tell us what you are, L/N,~" he hoped she would tell them, or at least he would know.

"Do not expose your species, L/N..." A small, girl voice came from nearby and everyone looked over to see who it came from. There stood that same child from before, holding that stopwatch and having no emotion on her eyeless face. Y/N turned pale at the sight, she thought she was seeing things when she first saw that girl... So, deciding to hide, she chose to sneakily scoot behind Sesshomaru's backside.

She was surprisingly hidden well, his back was big enough to hide her... "Exposing her species will only render her safety among this world. If anyone learns of her kind, she will be in grave danger; especially when lightly spoken of or mentioned out in the open like this," the child said. Her voice sounded as though it was a whisper, it was soft, quiet, and emotionless.

"How can we get our answers?" Sesshomaru was the one to ask, he could feel Y/N against his backside and grumbled, looking over his shoulder with a strict look. All he saw, was her giving him a comical shaky thumbs-up, a quivering smile, and a devastated expression. She mouthed I don't like ghosts and that only made him narrow his eyes.

"You may not speak of or question her about her species anywhere, as any place can be risky. However, I will warn you... Her means of being here is significant, but someone will be in search of her and it will not be any of the historical warlords such as Bankotsu, his bandits, or Naraku. No one from the past will emerge to snatch her, only a new enemy among both human, demon and all others will do so. Be wary, as she is the only one who is capable of killing this new threat. No demon, human, priest, monk, or anyone in this world can be rid of such a threat." The Time Corpse answered, swung the stopwatch slightly as she held it by its chain and the sound of a grandfather clock echoed. Soon a white light emerged out of her body, blinding everyone's vision aside from Obsidian's, and eventually faded... Now, she was gone.

Hmm... The Time Corpse must know we won't be a danger to L/N. If she mentioned this to us herself, that must mean even lord Sesshomaru won't negatively render her safety. I suppose though, she IS the 'Time' Corpse, she knows a lot more about the future, present, and past. Reading up on her through ancient scrolls was worth my time.~" Obsidian said in his mind and turned that frown into a smile.

Y/N sighed out of relief. She was happy that the Time Corpse was gone now, that child creeped her out... When all went silent and their attention was still lingering on the spot where the child disappeared from, an amusing thought came to mind. Obsidian... Is a bat demon, right? she asked herself in her head, gained an idea, and grinned at it.

"My lord, would you take her under your care or shall I escort her to the village?" he asked the lordship and looked over at the man, not once faltering in his signature smile.

Sesshi didn't answer, he just stood quiet and was about to leave, until something caught both of their attention. "Nanananananana nananananana, Batmaaaaan...~ Nananananananana nanananananana Batman, batmaaaaan...~" Y/N quietly sung behind Sesshomaru and peeked around his bicep, staring at Obsidian with a teasing, hysterical expression.

Only the batman's backside was in view as he faced the lordship all the way. A sweatdrop went down his head and Sesshomaru looked down at the young woman with a bored. narrow-eyed feature. "What are you doing, miss?" he asked, only to watch her giggle quietly to herself and slowly scoot back behind the dog demon, STILL having her teasing, mischievous expression. Neither of the two knew of her reasoning for mocking Obsidian like that. She, however, saw it funny since he was basically a bat-man.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter!~ Don't forget to leave a comment, I'm always happy to hear from my readers! \o/

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