"Hazel, I swear to God if you hit him again..." I warned, trying to sound at least mildly threatening.

"Please make him stop talking."

"Let's waterboard him."

"Let him go!" I yelled as they put a bloody cloth over his face and poured water over it. Klaus gasped for air as they continued to drown him. As my screams got louder they finally stopped.

"Oh, I needed that."

"Come on!" Hazel yelled, annoyed that none of their torture methods seemed to have much of an effect.

"I was so parched."

The two assassins looked exasperated as they walked off into the small bathroom to confide.

"You alright?" I asked, knowing it was a stupid question.

"It could be worse... At least we're spending quality time together." He laughed.

"Quality time together? Klaus, we're literally being tortured and held against our will."

"Yeah, well..."

"We've gotta figure out some kind of plan to get out of her-"

"Not so soon." Cha-Cha interrupted as they walked back in, their masks still pushed up over their face and on their heads.

"Maybe you're not hitting them hard enough." Hazel told her.

"Me? You're the one with the stupid orthopaedic bracelet."

"I told you already, it's just for support." They continued to bicker as Klaus sighed.

"I don't know, but it's driving me crazy." Klaus spoke out of nowhere.

"You talking to Ben?" I whispered.

"The withdrawal's starting..."

"You're seeing people."

"Yeah, this Russian bitch, she won't shut up!"

"Hey!" Hazel got our attention - we looked over our shoulders to look at him. "Watch your mouths. What did I say about eyes front?"

Klaus shivered as we turned back around.

"Hey, it's ok. Focus on me and Ben, not her. Block her out."

"I can't..."

"Yes, you can."

Hazel and Cha-Cha walked over to us and started searching through mine and Klaus' things.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"That's ours. That's our personal stuff."

"Oh, what do we have here?" Cha-Cha pulled something out.

"Let me see that." Hazel said, catching the drugs thrown at him.

"No, no, no. B-be careful with that. It's-it's my..."

"It's my asthma medication." I lied, faking a cough and laboured breath.

"Nice try, now we're getting somewhere." Hazel threw a few of the small pills on the ground and began to grind them into the stained carpet.

"Hey! Woah! Hold on!"

"We can have a conversation. We're adults."

"Ok, you want more?" Hazel threw another few.

"Stop! Please, listen. Listen, I can... I can get you cash. Amputee hooker, whatever." Klaus, though still joking, was beginning to suffer, watching his cure and lifeline being taken from him. "Please... just don't...." He continued to beg.

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