
Kakashi and Iruka had stopped their wild running as soon as they saw Naruto.

(A/N: BTW Kakashi and Iruka are paired, I don't know about Kakashi x Anko, so it'll be this 'cause I can't find another one, please please please forgive me if this pairing isn't to your liking, and "YAY!" if you like it! >_<)

"Hitome-sama, have you seen-" Kakashi started to ask, but said woman cut him off, already knowing what he would say.

"Nope, not today!" She said, oddly cheerfully.

Kakashi and Iruka exchanged glances, glances only married couples could understand.

"Fine then, good day." Kakashi said before both shunshinned to their house.

Oh, Naruto's gonna pay... both thought evilly.

At the same time, Naruto, who was out from under the bed, was overcome with sudden shivers. He violently flinched and fell to the ground, on all fours. "Are you alright, Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked worriedly as she helped the blonde up.

"Y-yeah. I'll be fine" Naruto said. Or not... Naruto thought fearfully.

Third POV

"Mornin', sorry I couldn't give exact instructions back at the academy!" Naruto apologized while scratching the back of his neck, a genetic tic from his father.

"Quite alright, Naruto-kun! By any chance, do you know if sensei is here?" Sakura asked.

Naruto paled instantly. "I hope he comes late..." he gulped.

"Why? What happens?" Sakura asked.

"Well- Oh! Sasuke, you're here! Wait, who is- oh no..." Naruto moaned in fear.

Sasuke had arrived, but was flagged with a rather cheerful-looking Kakashi and Iruka.

"Today, I will have Sakura and Sasuke spar with each other, we'll see what happens. Naruto, meanwhile, will be sparring with us."

No questions were asked, because Sasuke knew what was about to happen. Naruto flashed to another part of the training ground, but, sadly for him, the 2 adults shunshinned to his location.

"Now, time for some fun, eh?" Kakashi and Iruka said in unison while cracking their knuckles.

"Oh 🤬🤬🤬🤬" Naruto said, but sadly for him, that intensified the anger for the other 2.

2 hours later

"SASUKE! SAKURA! HELP!" Naruto yelled. He was badly bruised from the adult's assaults (A/N: NO DON'T GO THERE YOU PErVs)

Sasuke and Sakura turned around and finally saw the poor boy. All bruised and bloodied. Sasuke's eyes widened, and Sakura gasped.

"Naruto-kun! What happened?" Sakura asked as she rushed over and supported the blonde until he was near Sasuke location, then she lay him on his back.

Sasuke then grabbed the medical kit he had remembered to grab from the house, then started to patch up Naruto.

"S-Sasuke..." Naruto whispered weakly.

"Shut up and let me do my work." Sasuke said, but with no hostile tone in his voice. Instead, he had a smile gracing his Lips.

"T-thanks." Naruto whispered.

"It's my turn to patch you up." Sasuke smiled.

Sakura stared, she never saw Sasuke smile (but she liked it either way).

"Question: WHEN THE HELL did you start smiling!?" Naruto yelled, then coughed. He used up all the energy and air he had stored up.

"Che, stop straining. And why do you care if I smile or not?" Sasuke said as he wrapped the Blonde's head to stop the bleeding.

"Because- AH AH, OW!!!" Naruto yelped as Sasuke tightened the bandages everywhere, Sakura held his legs down to keep him from flailing about.

After Naruto calmed down, he huffed, "As I was saying, before a certain someone decided to cause me pain," Sasuke jabbed the poor boy in the ribs, "Ow, stop! I care because..." Naruto's voice died in his throat. All casualness dropped from that place.

Start this video now: (A/N: I was playing this while writing this part)

"Because...?" Sasuke dragged the word.

"Well..." Naruto hugged Sasuke, that one hug that Itachi use to give, that one hug only a brother could give, younger or older.

"I feel for you as a brother does."


*sees you readers with blades in hands and raises up hands in surrender* Okay Okay OKAY! No need for the knives, I'm gonna continue in the next chapter, which I am starting Immediately!)

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