Chapter 50 - The Beginning of the End

Start from the beginning

"There's a text," Peyton said quietly. I peeled my eyes open and looked over from my position on the bed. "Islanders- the least popular couple has been decided by America. Proceed to the firepit immediately for the dumping."

My nausea returned, but I stifled it down and swung my legs over the side of the bed, and stood up. Charlie waited for me at the end of our bed and instinctively held me around my lower back. I scrunched my face in discomfort, and he understood right away and instead opted to hold my hand. We carefully made our way to the firepit and took our seats.

"This is messed up," Polly whispered as the flames grew in front of us. A few Islanders were too exhausted to fully comprehend what was going on, including Sara and Anthony.

"I just wanted to go to bed," Anthony yawned.

"Sorry to inconvenience you." Arielle stepped out of the shadows like a nightmarish villain. "Islanders, yesterday was the start of your final week in the villa. Tonight, one couple will be headed home. America has been voting specifically for the couple they want to go home this time; it isn't a matter of least favorite. Electronic voting closed just moments ago, and we have our results."

I reached out and squeezed Charlie's hand tighter. I knew that no matter what happened, I would have Charlie. But I wasn't ready to let go of the great friends I had made here at the villa. All my friends who I loved so dearly and couldn't imagine living without. These people, with whom I'd shared a life for over three weeks, would soon be considered acquaintances, especially the Islanders that lived across the US. Tonight I would lose a friend.

"After counting millions of votes, the couple going home tonight is..." Arielle began and then cut off her own sentence, leaving not only millions of viewers on edge but the Islanders as well.

"Giselle and Joshua."

My heart sank, and I thought I was going to be sick. I felt the blood drain from my face, leaving my face pale and my cheeks cold.

"You have thirty minutes to pack your bags and say your goodbyes."

We rushed to Giselle, wrapping her up in a hug so tight that she couldn't possibly escape. I burst into tears as she hugged me individually, sending a wave of sadness to wash over me as I realized that this could be the last time I ever hugged her. She moved on to the rest of the group, and Charlie took his time consoling me. He rubbed gentle circles into my back that comforted me and momentarily made me forget about the physical and emotional pain.

We followed Giselle inside, and I said my goodbyes early. We hugged for a long time until I physically couldn't anymore and snuggled beneath the sheets. Charlie came over moments later with the promise of a backrub. I immediately agreed, and he began pressing his palms into my back, massaging the muscles until my body felt like a limp spaghetti noodle. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the relaxation until I honestly felt better.

"Thank you," I mumbled as I turned onto my back. "You're a lifesaver."

"No problem." He leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Tonight sucks."

"I agree," I said back and looked around the room. Islanders trickled in from the hallway, wiping away tears after saying goodbye to Giselle and Joshua. "I'm just sad for her, you know? She wanted to find love so badly. And she deserves it, too. I hope she finds what she's looking for."

"I'm sure she will," Charlie said in an attempt to comfort my racing mind. "She's practically a celebrity now; I'm sure she won't have a hard time finding someone. There are millions of guys in L.A., and only a handful in the villa. Chances for love, statistically, are slim here."

"Slim, but never zero," I smiled up at him.

"Never zero." He repeated.

A few minutes after the last Islander came to bed, the lights blinked off and encased the room in blinding darkness. But all of us were awake now, and no one had any intention of going to sleep.

"I can't believe she's gone," Peyton whispered in the darkness. "I already miss her. I need her to crack a joke or something."

"Yeah, it's been a long time since we lost an original Islander," Lucas said. "And she was a good friend to everyone." We shared a collective agreeance as we all continued to think about Giselle and the impact she had on the villa.

"Do you guys remember when she put sour cream in her smoothie instead of yogurt?" Peach asked. Chuckles and giggles began sounding from across the room. 

"How do you do something like that?" Mason, who wasn't in the villa at the time, asked.

"This was back before the producers labeled the containers in the fridge. They take the food out of the packaging to prevent advertising for a company. That's why any plastic water bottles you see have the label ripped off. Actually, I think that accident is what made them start labeling the containers." I could hear Peach's smile in her voice.

I laid on my back, staring at the ceiling. "I remember when Eli asked me to set him up with her... and accidentally threw her into one of the most miserable relationships of her life," I stifled a pity laugh.

"I miss Eli," Charlie said from beside me. "He was cool, too. Very passionate, but cool."

"Ugh, I'm gonna miss Giselle's laugh!" Polly complained. She had the strain at the edge of her voice that came with the threat of tears. "It's so goofy and cheery... it lights up an entire room. The entire villa, even!"

Whatever our reason, the entire villa could agree: we would all miss Giselle.

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