You failed an exam and you're sad about It but the Neos think someone hurt you

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Request: How about a mafia nct 127 scenario,,, the members are noticing that y/n has been sad lately and they all are kind of worried so they asked them, but y/n dun wanna answer. the members almost thought that someone made them hurt and they are about to going cHaOS but before that happen, y/n finally told them that it was just bc she failed on a test kkkkk Also, i love your mafia au writings so much 💕

Answer: Done and done, anon! Also, crack Mafia as always, it's my specialty. (One day I'm gonna write a serious mafia AU, but that day isn't today.)

Mafia AU

Genre: Crack

TW: Language

Word Count: 1.4K


The members of 127 sat in the briefing room, going over the details of their next mission together first as per usual. It was mainly a lot of housekeeping details, as in positions, who does what, etc. Well, every member except for one. See, the person missing was none other than their youngest member, Lee Donghyuck and, after years of knowing the kid, the older members knew better than others that it would be best not to waste their time looking for him, it would be better used for focusing on the mission planning and filling him in later than to have him not pay attention at all and waste time. Taeyong clasps his hands together once the room fell silent.

"So with that said I think we can end the-"

"Alright, sluts, listen up," Haechan slams open the meeting door, effectively shutting Taeyong up, and promptly closes it. "Which one of you losers did it? Huh?"

"Hyuck if this is about the time I ate your poptarts I already apologized for that," Mark speaks up.

"Shut up, Mark, I'm still mad at you," Haechan puts his hand up towards Mark's direction and continues. "Who made (Y/N) cry?"

"I bet it was Doyoung," Johnny pointed a finger and Doyoung gasped.

"Excuse me?! Why would I make her cry?!" Doyoung presses his hand to his heart in his usual dramatic fashion.

"You give her bad advice," Jaehyun reasons.

"I," Doyoung scoffs, "I would never."

"Dude you told her to just do her best in classes and that the world would accept her," Johnny laughs. "Be real with her, tell her that college isn't worth it and she should just say fuck it."

"This is why I try not to let her near you, Johnny Suh," Doyoung sighs.

"What is with this group and getting off topic? I just said that (Y/N)'s crying in her room!" Haechan steps aside and gestures the door.

"We need a plan of action before approaching the enemy base," Taeyong explains. "Last time we went in without a plan, she threw a curling iron at Mark."

"I think I still have the burn scar," Mark recalls with wide eyes, turning his hand around to observe the inside of his forearm.

"Oh, and don't forget when she right hooked Johnny."

"She's a lot stronger than I remember," Johnny replies quietly.

"Hyuck, sit down," Jaehyun motions for the younger to sit next to him and he complies. "So what do we know?"

"I've been noticing she's been off recently too," Yuta raises his hand. "But whey I pried she said that it was nothing and walked off."

"Oh, you asked her too? I noticed that the memes she's been sending me weren't as top quality as usual," Mark hums.

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