The 127 Members argue about who is (Y/N)'s Favorite

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Request: hi! i see that your requests are open? can i request NCT 127 Mafia AU (scenarios) where the members are arguing for the "(Y/N)'s best" title? (like what Lucas to the reader in TSTL) but then in the ending the reader said that they love them all 🤣 and they are confused to choose one of the members by the way i love your TSTL fanfic! :] thank you~

Answer: Hi hi, Anon! Thank you so much for enjoying TSTL! One fresh scenario coming up! Also this is going to be more on the crack side, if you couldn't tell.

Also I'm using TSTL!127 for this, although it can be read and understood without even touching the TSTL series. With that said, it won't be connected to the main story. If you want some information on that, check out the LTON for [SM Town's Operating Units] or the specific [Member Data] on 127.

Mafia AU

Genre: Crack

TW: Language

Word Count: 1.3K


For about two hours now, the nine members of the 127 branch have been in a heated discussion. They all sat at the rounded briefing table, each member facing another, and the tensions were high. It had started as a normal debriefing from their latest cash-collection exploit, they just went over the usual details, i.e. casualties, damage funds, debt fees, equipment checks, and what not. And Taeyong was about to call it a day and end the meeting, but it was just a simple comment from Haechan that threw the whole thing to shit.

"Can we hurry this up? I, (Y/N)'s favorite, need to go hang out with them."

Dead silence.

"Huh, they called you their favorite?" Yuta scoffed and leaned back on his chair, kicking his boots up on the beat up table. "Funny considering we were just baking together last night."

"You can bake?" Mark looked over to him.

"Baking, what an amateur," Haechan looked smug. "No wonder I'm their favorite, I actually take them out to fun places."

"Fun places like where?" Jaehyun jumped into the conversation. "Lotte World? They're an adult, they deserve much more adult pass-times."

"Where the fuck do you take them?" Johnny leaned across the table to meet the eyes of his teammate. "A sex shop?" He quirks his brow.


"Oh fuck he's good," Mark laughs. "Don't even try, you guys, y'all know (Y/N) would drop any of us for a ten piece mcnugget meal."

"I mean food's great and all but, not to brag, (Y/N) usually comes to me for advice," Doyoung shrugs slightly.

"Doyoung, you're a dumb bitch," Johnny laid it on him straight. "So are you Mark."

"Hey! Don't bring me into this!"

"Fuck off, I know that you're texting (Y/N)!"

"I'm not- Yuta! What the fuck?!" The latter grabbed Mark's phone and held it up for the rest of 127 to see.

"He's lying he was texting them!"

"I knew he couldn't be fucking trusted! What did he say?!" Haechan was next to speak up while Yuta scrolled through the messages, easily pushing Mark away.

"They're just sending each other memes," Yuta frowns. "Wait how'd you get this picture me?"

"It's a secret."

"You're all missing the point! Let's just end the meeting already!" Haechan groans. He turns to Taeyong expectantly, who just frowns and shrugs.

"Actually, this is important," Taeyong explains. "Think about it, whichever one of us is (Y/N)'s favorite is the one they're most likely to come to if something goes down. With that said if Doyoung is truly (Y/N)'s favorite then they're doomed, and that is a problem."

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