Chapter 16

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Morning came, and with it Max left for London. Luckily, Philomena also headed back to town without being asked.

That evening was to be a ball to honor the newlyweds. Neither wanted to attend. The events of the week had drained them of any desire for a party.

But always one to honor obligations, the couple made their appearances and danced the requisite dances. Local neighbors also were in attendance, including Sybil's family. The ball was the talk of the local village.

After a day of entertaining guests, the newlyweds retired to their bed.

"I'm still so stressed, Syb," Reggie admitted.

"Well, I've been meaning to ask if you want to try something...a little naughty," she winked his way with a smirk.

"Oh, I love it when you are naughty, Syb!" He laughed in his carefree way.

"Then let's undress and get ready for bed, baby," she said as she began to undo his cravat and shirt. Reggie joined her, slowly admiring her smooth skin with his finger tips.

When they both were naked, they climbed into bed. Sybil stayed sitting up and motioned for Reggie to lay across her lap. "You mentioned nursing before, I thought we could simulate some to calm you down, baby."

Reggie moan, "Oh yes, mommy."

Reggie latched on to Sybil's large breast and began to lick and suck. She stroked his hair and hummed a lullaby. His other hand reached for her other breast as he pulled harder on the one currently in his mouth, "Next one, baby?"

Reggie repositioned himself to suck her other breast. It was suck an intimate and relaxing. After a while, they both began to feel sleepy. "Can we go see the puppy tomorrow, mummy?" Reggie sounded so young and sleepy.

"Yes, baby. Let's bring him to the picnic. Yes?"

"Tank you, mummy," then Sybil heard soft snores. She looked over and the man he had always loved was sleeping with a hand tucked under his head like an angel. She smoothed some of his hair and whispered her goodnight wishes.

The next day was the last day of the house party. The puppy made quite the splash among the guests. Except for her mother-in-law who felt the pup was ruining the experience for her guests.

"Miss Catherine, you know the deb you met the first night, absolutely loved the major, alas after he departed she met one of Reggie's other friends. The portly one over there with a drink in his hand at this hour! Perhaps the major is better off if that is the type of man she would be interested in!" Lady Hughes said, "And poor Lady Philomena left the same day as the major. Perhaps there is something there?! I can't say, but I had heard she had her eyes on him for a while now."

"I don't believe the major likes Lady Philomena at all, mother. In fact, he mentioned to me that he left because she was here. He had considered Miss Catherine, but Philomena scared him off. Shame really. Perhaps we should be more cautious on who we invite to these things," Reggie chimed in to the conversation.

"Reggie! How could you say that to me?"

"Well, mother, you organized this party basically without our opinion. You heavy handedly tried to set up my friends and others. You have basically ignored the fact that we are still on our honeymoon. And you have barely spoken to us the entire time!" Reggie had finally had enough of his mother. "Now remember, mother. You shall be staying in Ester's townhouse from now on. When I go to London I expect to stay in residence with my wife at our home."

"Reginald! You can't just send..."

"Yes, mother, I can!"

Reggie grabbed Sybil's hand and they ran off together in fits of giggles. They finally made it to the cabin where they spent time with Max before they wed.

"Reginald!" Sybil mocked his mother.

"I can't take it anymore, Syb! I just want you and Max, and for the rest of the world to disappear," he said as he pulled her into the cabin.

They stood in the center and hugged. Taking each other's strength.

"I used to watch you at the balls, Syb," Reggie admitted to her out of the blue. "I would tell my friends lies about you, especially if they took notice. You were just so vibrant, regal even. You would look like a queen compared to the other girls. I hated to see you dance. I would scare those wastrels off, too."

"Reggie!" She was shocked. "All those years I had to endure those seasons. And you never had intentions for me, you just didn't want anyone else to!"

"I knew you were mine since I saw you in the stables watching me get head from the groom."

"You saw me there?!" She was horrified.

"Yes, Syb. You were panting," he laughed. "But I knew you would be my wife. I just didn't know when."

"I could have asked anyone to marry me after my aunt died..."

"All the men of the ton think you smell or have no pussy or whatever tale I was telling..."

"Reggie! You didn't!"

"Ha! No, but I wouldn't have allowed another man to marry you. You saw how I reacted even to Max. And I love him!"

She laughed, "I guess I should be flattered, and I am stuck now anyway!"

"Forever and ever," Reggie kissed her nose. "I love you, Syb."

"I love you, too, but I swear you won't sit for a week when I get my hands on you!"

Reggie pulled out from her arms and ran for the door. "You have to catch me first!"

Loving  Places, Book 2 in Autumn Club SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now