Chapter 6

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Before Sybil could enter the carriage, Max told her he was coming in her townhouse. He didn't give her a chance to protest.

Once she arrived home and dismissed the coach, Max pulled up. He looked up and down the street, then hurried her in the door. They were both a little giddy at sneaking around.

Max put his finger to her lips and whispered, "Are your servants about?"

"No, they are off tonight," she loved how he was always ready to protect her.

"With no ladies maid, how were you going to dress for bed?" He asked in faux shock.

"I made sure this dress was easy on and easy off," she said coyly.

"I love how you think, sweetheart. I think that should apply to all of your dresses," he said with a wink. "Show me to your room."

She took his hand and led the way to the guest room she still used as her own. He walked around looking at any personal items she had on the dressing table or chest of drawers.

Max then stalked toward her, "You know, I meant what I said earlier. I will marry you. I did help convince you both to take a chance on this scheme. Reggie seems to take my advice, even when he is initially against it. He realizes that I make better choices for him." He chuckled a bit. But she didn't doubt his words. Reggie could be a fool.

"I can see that. I just don't want to impose. You have been..."

All of a sudden the door banged open, and a frantic Reggie stood there. "What the devil is going on here!?" He shouted at them looking back and forth between the two.

He didn't wait for an answer, "No, no, no...don't tell me!" He looked at Sybil. "I thought you wanted me, Syb. I thought it was going to be us getting married. You asked me! Not Max!"

"And you!" He pointed at Max. "You said you loved me! You would leave me for her? You know I need an heir. You know I must marry. We can't have two wives, Max! We can't do that! Do you not love me?"

"I was trying to be so good. I didn't want the damn drink, Max," he was pacing the room now. "I hate that I took it. Phil is just so persuasive. She knows I don't trust my own decisions, Max! And I love her. I do."

"But not really, Max. See she is nothing like you, Syb," he stopped to point at her. "She is manipulative and mean. are so sweet and tall," he chuckled a bit at his comparison.

"I mean you are like a goddess. Look at you, Syb. Max, look at her," he signaled Max to look her way. "She is like Aphrodite. She is better than both of us, Max. We really don't deserve her. But she agreed to marry me! Reginald Fucking Hughes!"

He sat on the bed and leaned his elbows on his knees, shaking his head back and forth between his hands. "I fucked up, didn't I, Max? You said 'don't fuck this up' and I went ahead and did..."

"Reggie! For fucks sake," Max seemed taken aback and upset at the same time, "shut the fuck up, man!"

Max continued, "Where is Phil? Did you go home with her?"

"Pffft, I left right after you went to the garden. First I went home, and you weren't there. And so I waited. Then I came here," he said. "I'm drunk, Max."

"No shit, Reggie!" Max stormed.

"Did you have sex with her, Max?"

"What? With who?"

"With Sybil, you cad! You were supposed to wait," he seemed disappointed.

"Oh course I didn't, you oaf! What kind of man do you think I am?"

"One that steals other men's fiancés, I guess!"

"Reggie," Sybil finally spoke up, "Max has been so wonderful, but I always planned to marry you. But I can't have a husband with a mistress, Reggie. I can't live like that."

"Oh, Syb! I would never hurt you like that..."

"But you hurt me tonight, Reggie," she reminded him. "I have to trust you."

"You can! I swear. I know now that I don't love or need her. It's over and done!"

"Reggie," Max spoke up, "I think you need a punishment for tonight. Do you agree?"

The mood in the room changed from frantic to serious.

"Yes, sir," Reggie sounded like a little boy, speaking in soft apologetic tones to his father.

"Speak up," Max commanded.

"Yes, sir," Reggie repeated a little louder.

"I hate to do this in front of Sybil, but I see no choice. Plus I think she needs to see what happens to naughty boys. Yes?" He asked almost to no one as no one responded. "Take down your breeches."

Max moved to where Reggie previously sat. Reggie knew the drill and laid across Max's lap like a school boy.

Sybil looked upon his tight round arse. It was like some of the statues at the museum.

"Do you know why you are getting punished, Reg?" Max asked Reggie.

"Yes, sir. I was naughty and let Phil think I could come over. And it hurt Syb's feelings. And I disappointed you with drinking and being drunk," Reggie spoke in his little boy tones again. He hid his face away from Sybil, clearly embarrassed. He sniffled a little as though he was crying.

"Twenty spanks, Reg. Count in your head, baby," Max sounded like a stern father. Sybil counted in her head too as she stood back and watched.

After the spanking, Max offer her his hand as he comforted Reggie. She came over and placed her other hand on Reggie's head. "You did so well, Reggie. I hope you will still marry me, hm?"

He looked up with his tear stained eyes and smiled a wide grin, "Really, Syb? Even after seeing my...punishment?"

Sybil knew this is how life would be with Reggie. She knew Reggie all her life. He would make a mess. Luckily Max would be there to clean it up. She sensed Max liked that Reggie needed him.

"Yes, Reggie. I really care for you, but I know you aren't perfect. None of us are..."

"Except Max!" Reggie insisted. Max and Sybil laughed.

"He has a point, Sybil," Max chuckled out with a serious nod. Then he put a sly look on his face, "Shall I prove it?"

By this point, Reggie was sitting up on the bed beside Max with his pantaloons in place but not fully fastened. Max stood and walked over to Sybil and kissed her palm.

"I believe your maid is out, so we need to take care of this dress for you, no?" He said as he came behind her and started to remove her air pins. "Who needs a ladies maid when you have me?"

Loving  Places, Book 2 in Autumn Club SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now