Her eyes lit up to look one unexpectedly guests. She beamed with excitement, "elder brother in law."

There were Manish, Kamya, Sonu, Rajeev, Namita and her parents sat abd discussed something. As Suhana beamed they looked at her.

Suhana respected to her elder brother in law because of his profession. He was honest politician which was rarely to seen now a days. Even, he was suffering currently many ups and down because of his honesty but he didn't give up.

Manish looked at her. He has expressionless face mostly but looking at Suhana there was affection on his face, "Suhana."

Suhana smiled wildly and went to him. She raised her palm towards him and said with childish voice, "Brother in law, it's almost one year since I saw you last time. Where is my gift?"

Everyone shook their heads for her childish behaviour. Everyone was habit of this scene because every time Manish comes Suhana demands him gifts.

Manish curled his lips and took out a little box from his pocket. He smiled and said with doting voice, "Here is your gift. How can I forget it?"

Suhana took the box without delay from him and opened with excitement. Even, Kamya and Namita pecking what's inside the box.

When their eyes landed on an beautiful pair of diamond earrings, Suhana jumped ups and downs lightly and said with bright smile, "It's beautiful. Thank you brother in law."

Manish only nodded his head while Kamya complained with gloomy face, "How can you biased? When I asked you this pair, you said it's for your sister. Now why did you give it?"

It was unique design and the branded company launched only one set of design. Manish has good relationship with that company's ceo. That's why Manish could get his hand on that pair of earrings. Manish didn't get angry while said calmly, "Isn't Suhana my sister?"

Suhana stuck her tongue towards Kamya while giggling.
Kamya was tied tongue. Because she couldn't deny it. A wife's sister is like a sister. It's not strange. Everyone knew in both families Manish treated Suhana more than his sister. Nobody knew the reason. But in the eyes of Manish, Suhana was his life saver. Even, Suhana didn't know about it.

Kamya made her face, "But you are spoiling her. You always give her expensive gifts. What if her future husband wouldn't afford it?"

Manish said nonchalantly, "I will not let her marry a guy who can't afford her expensive."

It's true as an elder son in law, Manish's approval is important for Suhana's future husband. And Mr Triveni and Mrs Triveni had no objection about it but they felt relieved if Manish approved the guy. They trusted on their elder in law ability to judge the people.

Suhana wanted to retort that she didn't want to get married but she decided to keep quiet in front of everyone. Specially, when her elder brother in law came after almost one year.

She put the box into her bag safely because she was scared that it would be snatch by her two elder sisters if she wasn't careful.

She noticed the tension into hall and she knew this time Manish was in his professional problem that's why it's urgent matter that he came today.

She asked carefully, "Is something happened?"

Rajeev nodded and started to tell, "Yeah, My company is in trouble. Many investors are taking back their money even we lost many customers since last few weeks."

Suhana was shocked to hear it. As she knew, Rajeev's company was doing well but she was busy that's why she didn't give attention. "How is happened?"

Rajeev said with sad expression, "We don't know but when we investigated the matter, we got to know it's because of Singh group. Nobody wants to offend that group in business world."

Suhana was more shocked to this news. There were a lot of questions into her mind. Is it intentionally? Does Kavish know it's her brother in law's company? It's impossible that he didn't know. Does he know his group attacks her brother in law company? If he knows, why didn't he take action till now? Is nothing between them? She gulped her saliva with hurt after thinking last question?

She asked with hestitation, "don't you know what's the reason to attack your company like it?"

Rajeev shook his head, "We tried to find out the reason but we didn't know when we offended.  Even, I tried many times to contact with related managers but we didn't get any response. That's why I thought if brother in law can do something." Rajeev looked Manish with expectation.

Manish said with seriously, "I tried to talk with my senior but they can't do anything."

Namita asked with expectation, "Suhana, your company is working with Singh Group. And you directly met with Kavish Singh. If you can talk to him or his secretary?"

Suhana thought to talk Kavish directly about it.  After thinking, she opened her mouth, "Ac...."

But Manish rejected, "No, We can't let Suhana talk in behalf of our family. What if they misunderstand our intention? And I heard that Mr Singh has allergy with women. What if they humiliate to her? I will talk to my senior. I will try to find out solution."

Suhana wanted to say, 'its ok. I can talk." But looking at Manish's disapproved face, she gave up. She knew Manish was thinking about her better. She pursed her lips to think Singh group was attacking her brother in law's company.

Except Kavish, there was a name on Suhana's tongue but she knew nobody in her family wanted to hear his name. And as she now knew Namita and Sameer..... It's better not to mention his name. They will not ready to take his help but they will blame on her to mention his name. She noted into her mind to talk Sameer about it later.

Manish, Rajeev and Mr Triveni were discussed about what to do in hall while Kamya, Namita, Mrs Triveni and suhana were in kitchen and preparing dinner. Sonu was playing video games into room.

Suhana was washing vegetables and fruits while Namita was chopping. Kamya and Mrs Triveni were cooking.  Mrs Triveni said with foul mood, "I don't know what to do. My three daughters are in problems. I pray if the problems solves, I will go to temple and donate."

Manish was already going through ups and down into his career because a construction company wants to getting approval of illegal construction under the table but Manish rejected the bribe that's why they are making trouble for him. It's good Manish has many good connection that's why he is at his position.

Now, Rajeev's company is suffering.

Suhana frowned and asked with disdainful, "mom, I can understand your concern about Kamya di and Namita sis but what about me? I am doing good into my company."

Mrs Triveni said irritation, "I am not talking about your career. I am talking about marriage. When you will marry, I will be relaxed."

Suhana stomped her foot with frustration, "Mom, kamya di and Namita sis have already problems into their life. Shouldn't you be relax towards me that you don't need to  concern about me in this matter?"

Mrs Triveni glared at Suhana with anger, "you..."

But Namita put down knife and held Mrs Triveni's arm, "Mom, please calm down. Didn't I tell you.....?"
Namita whispered something into Mrs Triveni ear and Mrs Triveni calmed down.

There was smirk on Namita's face. Even, Kamya and suhana were confused what happened. Suhana asked with doubt,"What?"

Namita said nonchalantly, "Nothing."

Even, Suhana was not convinced but she knew they will not tell her that's why she kept quiet.

Meanwhile Kamya wanted to open her mouth but looking at Namita's shake head, she shut her mouth.

Kamya's lips curled slightly because she knew tonight was a gossip night. And who doesn't like gossips!

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