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"God-angels." He says it like it's the most obvious thing in the world — like ice cream. That's pretty clear in its definition, it's ice cream. A god-angel? Now that sounds like something made up.

"Want to try that again?" I joke.

But apparently, whatever he is, doesn't understand a rhetorical question. "God-angels are extremely rare. To be honest, they were hunted to extinction centuries ago."


He sighs and I can't help but look at his wings flutter, the purest of whites glowing in the soft yellow library lighting. "They are creatures that shouldn't have existed. Part of them is from the Gods of Olympus, the other half being that of a Nephilim, from the Bible of the Catholic God."

I narrow my eyes at him, use my hand to shove his shoulder away so I can step away from this bookshelf. For two reasons: one, my back hurts being pressed against it, and two, because I can't stand being near this crazy person. "Cool. I'm neither Catholic or interested in Percy Jackson." I reference a popular book series people grew up with me. Not me. No not me.

"I have no idea who Peter is." Gabriel states. I watch as his wings fold back into himself. I have no idea where they go, his shirt is too thin for them to hide in there.

"Where do your wings go?" I point.

Instinctively, he rubs his shoulder blades. "They don't really go anywhere. I always have them with me, it's a matter if I want them to be seen."

I can only nod and raise my eyebrows at Mr. Crazy. "Goodnight."

His hand latches itself around my wrist. "You can't."

I cross my arms and raise my brows, "oh really? And why can't I?"

"Gosh, you're stubborn."

"I'm a Taurus. Of course I am." Do I really believe in all that Astrology mumbo jumbo? No, not really. Of course, like most myths, there is some truths to it, but I won't justify my behaviour according to my star sign. Well, until today. "Our symbol is quite literally a bull. Stubborn as a bull? Ever heard of that expression?"

He runs a hand down his face, clearly irritated with me. "I've met only two other god-angels in my life, and you are perhaps the worst."

I smile proudly, "thank you. I consider that an honour. But don't call me a god-Angel. That's the dumbest, and irrational thing Ive ever heard."

"You can't say it's irrational, you don't even know what they are. What you are."

"I'm Artemis. I'm a human. A teenager to be exact, which also means I'm ruthless. So get the fuck away from me." I shove pass him.

This time he doesn't grab me. He doesn't have to, because what he says stops me in my track. "You're part Angel and part god. You're a very rare breed."

"Last I checked, I'm part American, and part Latinx. Angel and gods? Yah that's in my Belief class, which I often ignore." I argue.

Gabriel steps closer to me. I think I'm losing my mind because the library is dimly lit, and yet, his blue eyes glimmer in the shadows. "You should pay more attention. If you did, you'd learn that some Angels in the Catholicism fell when they choose to follow Lucifer."

I sigh, "I know this story. I grew up Catholic. Lucifer wanted freedom like God's creation — humans. God sent him to rule over Hell. Honestly, I don't see the problem with freedom. Maybe that's why I'm Atheist, now?"

Those glimmering blue eyes narrow. Whether it's from annoyance or from me confessing to being an Atheist. I have no idea. "Yes, well. Whether that may be true, Lucifer went to Hell, but the other Angels that followed — they came here. To Earth."

Now I narrow my eyes in disbelief, "yah and when I fall on my ass when I trip, I end up in Disneyland."

Gabriel ignores the commentary, "long story short, Angels got what they wanted — freedom with humans. However, freedom meant boredom and they started to breed with humans, creating Nephilims — half Angel, half human. Most of them don't even know what they are. And the Angel that sired them left. God considers them harmless, as long as they don't know what they are. There's some at your school."

I blink rapidly, "at my school?"

He, again, ignores me to continue his outlandish story. "You've learned in your Beliefs class that there is more than one religion. That long ago, there was the Greek Gods and Goddess. However, as time drifted, their stories became that, stories and myths that people consider history. That is not true. They exist. The Gods are real, and are without power because no one believes. No one worships them."

"They're my favourite stories. It's the only part in Beliefs where I actually listen." I comment.

Gabriel nods along, moving closer to me. "There's a reason for that. Along with the Angels, the Gods breaded with humans. Though, that was long ago and we assumed the bloodlines dried out. We were wrong to assume."

"Who's we?"

Gabriel ignores me again. I'm starting to get annoyed that he refuses to answer my question. "In your blood you have a drop of Godly blood. Though, I have no idea which god. That is something we must find out when we leave."


Ignores me, "you are part Angel and part God. You are made of two different stories and myths and beliefs. You are the last known one to exist. Several before you have been hunted by a group calling themselves Saviours. They refuse to have such creatures exist."


Once again, Gabriel ignores me, still pacing in front of me as he reiterates this tale. "I was sent here to protect you. Though, I have no idea why, your existence defies the law of order. I should let the Saviours come after you. But for some reason the big boss wants you kept alive."


He blinks at my outburst, "pardon me?"

"I said, shut up. I don't know what kind of joke you're playing on the girl who's been at this school the longest. I don't know if you talked to Pinky and found out about the accident six days ago."

"What accident?"

This time, I ignore his question. "But enough is enough. This isn't funny."

He grips my shoulders and gently shakes me, "Artemis, what accident?"

The seriousness in his tone and the darkening in his bright, blues eyes makes me answer. "It was nothing. Six days ago, I got upset. My mom said she wasn't going to visit like she promised. I got angry and — hmm it doesn't make sense. Pinky promised me she wouldn't tell. Plus, I didn't do it. It's not logically possible."

He shakes me again through the rambling, "what isn't possible?"

I shake my head, "I can't explain it. One minute I was sitting in my room crying to Pinky about my lying, bitch of a mother. The next minute, my walls lit up in flames. Pinky told me to relax through the loud crackling, and once I did, the fire went out and the walls didn't even look burnt. I was seeing things. I know it was in my head."

Gabriel looks around nervously when he whispers, "that wasn't in your head, Killer. We have to leave, now."

He pulls my wrist along, but I plant my heels in the floor. "I'm not going anywhere with you. I don't even know you."

Gabriel's nostrils flare and he moves closer so his face is inches from mine. I never noticed it before, but he has light freckles all over his face. They are a calm beige, almost matching his cream-coloured skin. "Pinky is a protector on your Godly side. She has no powers, just an ally and a believer. She was sent to protect you, that's why she knew what to do when you exploded. But I was sent here because of that outburst, because the Saviours know you exist now. They're coming."


He answers me, for once. "They want to kill you. And I'm your Guardian Angel — the Archangel, Gabriel."

Holy shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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