Valentines Day - Chanyeol

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I put on my heels and stood up from the bed to look in the mirror for the last time before stepping out. It's Valentine's day and our college had organized a dinner for us. Obviously, I was going with my best friend Chanyeol to dinner. To be honest, I love him more than a friend and I've planned to confess my feeling today. I'm kind of nervous but let's just hope this doesn't ruin our friendship.

I decided to wear a black dress that was up to my knees. It had a cut on its left side and the neck complimented my collar bones pretty well. I decided to go with dark red lip color and tied my hair in a loose bun with few curls hanging out. I had applied a little bit of mascara as I already have long lashes and a bit of blush and highlighter did the job.

Chanyeol was going to pick me up in his Audi. His car stopped in front of me and he got out and walked towards my side and opened the door for me "Get in my lady." He said holding the car door for me. I pinched his cheek before getting in the car which made him smile from ear to ear.

As we drive to the venue, we jammed to our favorite songs. The venue was a five-star hotel and a hall was booked for us. I stepped out of the car and walked into the hall with Chanyeol by my side. The couples were already in the mood, slow dancing, and stuff. I parted from chanyeol to meet some of my friends I saw Chanyeol staring at me. Every time our eyes would meet we would burst out laughing at each other.

After some time Chanyeol walked up to me as offered me a dance. "Would you mind..." He said putting his left hand out as an offering. "Well, I'd love to." I smiled at him and placed my hand in his.

The lights were dim and the music was slow. He placed one hand on my waist while he intertwined the other with mine. My heart started to race as the tension between us grew thicker. It was becoming hard to breathe with chanyeol being this close to me. "I never knew you had such a small waist." He said with a husky voice in my ear. His comment made me blush to an extent that I thought I was a tomato. I neared him "You look quite killing today." I complimented him which made him giggle. "Not going to lie. You might as well kill a man or two tonight." He winked at me. He moved my intertwined hand to his shoulder and placed both his hands on my waist. I hung my arms around his neck. He moved a strand of hair that was on my face behind my ear causing goosebumps over my entire body.

"Chanyeol... I- um..wanted to talk to you about something." I said nervously, my voice shaking. "Go on, I'm listening. " He said in a deep voice that sent chills down my spine. "I don't know how to-" I was saying that he pressed his lips against mine. I don't know why but it felt so right. The kiss deepened and I couldn't figure out what exactly was going on. Chanyeol pulled back as both of us needed to breathe. "You were saying?" Chanyeol said with a sheepish smile. I kept my eyes low. I didn't dare to look him in the eyes. He placed his hand on my back and pulled me closer. This sudden action caused me to look up at his face. His eyes said something, something that I wanted to hear for the longest of times. "You what?" He said looking me in the eyes, his gaze deepening. Lost in the ocean of his eyes I blurted out "I love you."

Upon hearing those three words Chanyeol cupped my face and pulled me into a kiss. It said it all! He loves me. My Chanie loves me! He pulled back and hugged me.

Kissing my forehead he said "I love you too... Forever!"

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