Chapter 11

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"Bzzzzzzzzz.....bzzzzz" I jolted awake. Heart racing. Cries and buzzing noises encircling around me. I looked at my surroundings, trying to figure out where the sounds had been coming from. Everyone's asleep. To my dismay, Glimmer had been canoodling with Cato's arm. I'm just being paranoid. I told myself. I had been in the arena for only a couple of days. Maybe it was starting to get a hold of me. Screaming, and crying were normal things that happened, since my arrival. But buzzing? Something was off about this all. It wasn't until I looked up that I discovered Katniss trimming a tree, on what seemed to be a beehive. Some of the bees were starting to come down to the ground.
My first instinct was to run, and let the others fend for themselves, but decidedly, I chose not to.
"We need each other"
Cato's voice ricocheted against my skull. Bouncing like a rubber ball.
"Whether you like it or not."
As much as I hated to admit it, Cato was right.
I could wander off alone. Without anyone, perfectly fine. But when it came to the last two suriors, I would have little chance.
Hearing the sound of a branch breaking, I yelled and pushed everyone to wake them up.
Cato and Peeta awoke immediately to my screeches.
"Help me wake up the others, so we can get the heck out of here!"
Both of them realized the situation, then assisted me with the others.
But it was too late.
The hive flew straight to the ground, landing only a foot away from Glimmer.
Soon, everyone else had woken up. I assumed it was partially from my yelling, and from the bees.
At this point, all of us were screaming, and trying to get the least amount of stings possible. They weren't bees, in fact their stings felt more deadly. Bee stings couldn't kill you. They would only take a little bit for them to disappear. I didn't know what type of insect this was, all I knew was that I had to get out of there before the after effects were too severe.
Katniss had been long gone, and I think she was accompanied by the girl from 11, Rue. So we couldn't catch up to them just yet.
I glanced over my shoulder trying to figure out if the group had all survived. By now I was far enough to not be disturbed by the vermins, but still close enough to see what was happening. Cato, Marvel and the prisoners were by my side, which was unfortunate. As for the Glitter, she was still struggling and fighting against the threat. Big pinkish spots started appearing on her face, and by the looks of it, she was growing tired. Glimmer's screams were deafening. She wanted to die, so she could get it over with it. She wanted to be put out of her misery.
"You stay here, I'll come back with Glimmer," Cato charged towards the
swarm of tracker jackers.
"Cato! What do you think you're doing?" I said, breathing heavily. My heart was still racing, but grew faster as I watched helplessly, both Cato and Glimmer plunge toward the ground, with a loud thud.
I was freaking out. What am I supposed to do? Cato might die if I don't do anything soon. I didn't care much if Glimmer died but-
"Shouldn't you go do something?" Chase asked.
I gave him a look that said, yeah duhhh.
But I didn't exactly know what to do, if I went in there I would definitely die too, not that I knew if they were dead yet.
"I'm going in." Marvel surprisingly said, then he sped towards Glimmer.
"Well that was dumb." I lied, rolling my eyes. I knew it was the only thing that anyone could do at this rate.I turned to the hostages, and found they were silently watching everything play out.
"I thought you guys would have escaped by now." I said.
They both looked mesmerized by the whole thing and didn't pay much attention to me. Now thats what I call dumb.
Thinking it was the right moment to strike for them, I stabbed my knife into Peeta's leg, and he squirmed to the ground, crawling away. About to stab at him again, I looked into his eyes seeing the same eyes as the first boy I killed. The treacherous scene played out in my head once again, and I gasped seeing Cato far ahead, coming a bit closer with little to no injuries.
Peeta had still been laying on the ground, fighting for his life while trying to escape.
"Go!" I saw him going faster now, seeing what I had seen. "Get out of here I said! Before I change my mind!" I dropped my knife, then landed face-forward on the grassy dirt as my eyes slowly came to a close.

Meant to BeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon