Chapter 6

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The next morning, all the tributes were to be interviewed for the capitol citizens to get to know us.
"Okay, so what's our game plan for our interviews?" I asked Brutus and Enobaria. I tried to stand clear of her though. I still couldn't trust Enobraria for what she had done to Cato. In that moment, it felt as if I was the strong one out of the both of us. And I didn't exactly enjoy it, for Cato's sake.
"I have been talking to some of the other menthors, and it looks like Haymitch is taking the love story act. I could've sworn that act would have had some potential for you too."
Cato looked at me, and our eyes met for a split second, before he said,
"That's a relief, pretending to be in love with someone would be such a drag while trying not to get killed in the games."
Oh, I thought, it took me by surprise. I thought he would have wanted us to be thrust against each other all the time. I guess I was wrong.
"Yeah," I snickered, "I almost feel bad for them." withering the thought away.
Enobaria intervened, "That's too bad you two look like such a romantic couple." she put her hand on Cato's shoulder.
This time, Cato shook her hand off, giving her a scorned expression.
"Enobaria, quit it! This is not the time to hook up with guys, I feel the need to put you in a lion's den, because of your animalistic ways."
Brutus abruptly cried out. Enobaria, turned silent for the rest of the conversation.
What is her problem?
"Here's what you should do in the interviews," Brutus continued, "You have to act like you know what you're doing. You guys are careers. You are known for being the best out of everyone. I know you might be scared, but you have to face that you might die in there. Even though the chances are little, you could still die. But just have to forget about all of that for the interviews, and have your mind set on winning..."
I kind of phased out after that. It wasn't that helpful. I didn't need an inspirational talk right now, I knew that I could win this thing, I had the skills to do it. I have the confidence now. And I knew that I could do it with no help.
"...In the end just pretend like you don't have a care in the world."
Cato gave him a big smile, "Thanks man."
His smile was so fake.

Moments later, all tributes gathered backstage, awaiting the announcers to say their names for them to ascend the stage at their turn.
Both Cato and I got bored pretty easily, so we started a conversation about Enobaria. Until Cato starred at the stage and declared "Woah, she's beautiful." he looked mesmerised.
I looked to see who had caught his eye. To my surprise he was looking at that girl from district 1, Glitter. I nudged him in the elbow with the intention of hurting him this time.
"What??", he laughed. I pulled him aside.
"Come on Clove, you're not jealous, are you?"
Of course I was, but I wasn't about to tell him that.
"No, I most certainly am not!" he looked pleased and totally unconvinced. "I don't want people to think that you are weak. Remember what Brutus said? We can't let everyone think less of us. We're careers."
I wasn't sure if that was exactly what Brutus said, but Cato seemed to be persuaded. After all, I wasn't all bad about lying to people.
"That's a good point, for once, you have the upper hand."
That wasn't the only time I was right. I am not just some weak link, waiting for someone to kill me. I wanted to say.
"Clove" Ceaser shouted. I rushed up the stage and sat down.
"So I've heard you're quite facio with a knife huh?"
Act strong, I kept telling myself. Act strong.
Act strong.
"I could kill you from clear across the stage"

The crowd went wild, even Caesar Flickerman jumped a bit by my enthusiasm.
Act strong.
"This girl's a keeper isn't she." his words seemed to be directed to the audience. I smirked, feeling more self-assured about all of this.
"Tell me, Clove, how have you been adjusting with your district partner?"
I felt a bit shocked that he had asked about him, I didn't want him to get into my personal affairs.
"Who?Cato?? We have known each other for a very long time. We've had our differences but that's all behind us now and were both in this to win  it."
"I can tell that you are very prepared for these games. Is there anything you would like to say to the audience?"
The crowd grew silent, awaiting my answer.
"Oh I've got this in the bag. Anyone who lays so much as one finger on me, will get a little taste of my knife."
Caesar looked very impressed.
"Well that's it folks. Let's give it up for Clove."
We clammed our hands together. As we lifted them up, the crowd exploded in  applause.

Next up was Cato, he talked about the same sort of stuff. "Cato, you're a handsome fellow."
"Oh you're too kind, Caesar." he grinned
"Okay, so what's going on with you and Clove? I sense some tension between the two of you"
My face turned bright red, sweat started running down my face.
That is none of his business! Why is he asking about that?? Cato better answer that question in a good way, or else he's gonna get it.
"Ah, well like she said, we have had our differences but now we're friends and everythings all good."
"Okay" Caesar responded trying to make sense of it, "Moving on, I noticed that you volunteered, isn't that right?"
"Yes, I just wanted to protect Clove," he muttered.
Flickeram looked like he had finally solved a puzzle.
"So you are in love with this girl?"
"No," Cato was embarrassed, "That's not what I meant."
Caesar came back to confusion.
"And what did you mean then?"
"Clove is just like a little sister to me"
The audience awed simultaneously.
"I know that she can handle herself and all. I just--I don't know. I felt bad for what happened in the past, so I wanted to make it up to her, you know?"
Cato had been staring at the ground, not wanting to talk about this.
"Yes, don't worry. I'll let you out of your misery." Caesar tapped him on the back. "Come on let me hear it for Cato!' he declared.
Once he came backstage, I nudged him again. "What was that?? What happened to the plan?"
He rubbed his shoulder "Sorry I got a bit caught up in the moment. Plus it's not me who asks the questions, why don't you just hit Flickerman instead? You're going to make a bruise."

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