Chapter 8

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The robotish like voice, pounding in my head.


This is it.


The moment I've been waiting for.


For all of my life


I see Cato.


He's on the opposite side of me, waiting for the count down to end.


He put one foot in front of the other, ready to charge for the cornucopia at any moment.


I mirror his actions.


The blood bath would start, at any second now.


I wanted to be a part of it.


I'm about to run for it, when I hear an explosion from someone's platform, then a cannon fires, but I couldn't see who it was.


I pray it wasn't just Cato who blew up into smithereens.


I sprint as fast as I can towards the cornucopia, pushing everyone who came in my way.
I grab a knife.
Some girl was also looking for the knife. So I stabbed her in the back.
Looking around, I see Cato picking up a sword and approaching a little boy.
I don't know what happened next because I was disrupted by the district 12 girl coming to get supplies.
She grabbed a backpack.
My instincts were to throw a knife at her, but she moved her bag just in time for me to hit it, inplace of her head.
I checked to see what had happened with Cato, then I saw him with both of the district 1 tributes. Ugh. How I hated that one girl.
I looked back expecting to see Katniss again, but she had vanished. With the backpack. Which meant she could survive out in the woods for a while before starving to death.
"Clove!" I heard Cato say.
"She got away!" I shouted back, walking to him, Glimmer and Marvel.
"Can't you do anything?" Glimmer said snarkily.
I rolled my eyes at her.
"For your information, I made the first kill of the games. I didn't see you do anything." I cynically stared her down.
"You know what? How about we settle this. Here and now." I continued.
"Okay" I agreed and grabbed another knife, covered in blood on the ground. Glimmer had a bow and arrow in her hand. We were ready to jump at eachother like animals.
"GUYS! You need to stop this!" Cato intervened.
I lowered my weapons. Glimmer did the same.
"I don't know why you hate eachother so much, but we need both of you to survive."  I pulled Cato to talk with him separately,
"What are you doing? We don't need Barbie. Let's just kill her off while we still can." I said
"We need "Barbie", whether you like it or not, we need each other. I know you know that."
"Fine." I said forcibly.
Once we regrouped with the others, we discussed our game plan.
"Tonight, let's stay at the cornucopia and sleep a bit." Glimmer declared.
"Let's each take turns sleeping, in case anybody comes out lurking." Cato decided.
I was on first watch. Glitter didn't approve, but Cato assured her that I had been tamed.
I tried looking for stars in the extremely fake sky and  just gazed at them all night. The bright white stars seemed to sparkle in the pitch black darkness of the night. I always loved looking at the stars. Ever since I left my district, they reminded me of home. They shined so bright that it almost looked real. Almost.
"Beautiful." I said, thinking that no one could hear me, but evidently, was wrong.
"Yeah." Glimmer was watching them too.
I got a bit startled by her voice.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I stopped to look at her.
"You didn't wake me." she said, "I couldn't let you babysit me, when I don't trust you." she giggled, the most girliest laugh I've ever heard.
I said nothing, still admiring the sky. Wanting her to leave. I never want to have to talk to her again.
"Anyways, about that. I want to apologize for the way I acted before. Can we just forget this whole thing with Cato ever happened in the first place?" She took out her hand.
No, I can't just let that go, and I couldn't exactly say no either.
"Of course! No worries." I reluctantly shook her hand.
"Well that settles it then" she smiled, "I can take on from here."
Oh right, I was meant to watch over them.
"It's okay, I don't feel like sleeping anyways. You should get some rest though."
Now I really felt like a babysitter. Geez.
"Wake me up if anything happens, goodnight." And with that she fell into a deep sleep.

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