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The girl ran down the halls as students stepped out of their classrooms and chased her.

The students were chanting, "Get lost, poor girl!"

She ran up the staircase to the roof with a mass of students following her. She ran to the side and looked down to the creek below. The rain was pouring outside. She turned around and looked back at the crowd.

"Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!" They shouted. Some picked up rocks and threw them at her.

"You don't belong here!"

"Yeah, go away!"

Blood and tears were dripping down her face. She closed her eyes and looked up towards the sky. Taking a step back, she plummeted to her death in the creek below.

The crowd smirked and slowly began to disperse, leaving two figures in black, trench coats standing there. A girl with long, wavy, brown hair and a boy with short brown hair stood watching.

"You are too cruel, Hisana." The boy whispered.

"It cannot be helped brother. Would you not do the same for Ayame? The girl was getting too close to Takai." The girl turned to make her way back to the building. "Even if we are graduating this year, I will not see anyone else with Takai, especially a poor girl."


A/N: So I am starting a new book. I see good things in this book so please read and support it. Be sure to Vote and Commment. Let me know if you like it cuz I sure hope you do.

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