Revelation (Chapter 11)

Start from the beginning

“Franc, you know I can’t do it.”

Martin then stands up, places money on the table and gently pulls Angel’s hand.

“You need to get away from everything to feel better. Let’s go.” Martin said.

“Where are we going? I can’t leave the restaurant.” Angel said.

“It’s a secret. And it would be just for today. The restaurant can run without you for day. Let’s go.”

Martin gently pulls Angel’s hand again. And this time Angel gave in, stood up and followed Martin.


Angel and Martin then arrive in an ocean park.

“An ocean park?” Angel said.

Martin knows how Angel liked the ocean and its creatures. She also loves going to the beach.

“Why? You don’t like ocean parks? A friend told me it is nice to go around this ocean park.” Martin said.

“No. I love ocean parks. I have always loved the water and the creatures that live in it. I even love going to the beach. Too bad I wasn’t able to go here with Martin. We have always planned to go here but we didn’t have the time.”

They started walking around the ocean park.

“Sorry if I asked but what made you like Martin?”

“What made me love Martin? Well, in the first place he’s not hard to love because he’s one of the most genuine people that I have met. He also caring, sweet, thoughtful and most all of he loved me for who I am, my strengths and my weaknesses.”

“The way you describe him it is as if he was perfect.”

“Well, for me he was and still is.”

“Despite him being poor and now in jail?”

“How did you know he was poor and in jail?”

“You told me in your engagement party remember?”

“Oh yeah. I’m sorry. Despite being poor, I still loved him with all my heart. And him being in jail, well, as I said things just got complicated. But I still believed he’s innocent he just got involved with the wrong people.”

A tear suddenly fell from Angel’s eyes. Martin was about to give Angel his handkerchief but Angel immediately wiped the tear that fell.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked those questions. We’re here to relax not be all dramatic. Let’s go. I heard there are lots of activities you can do here.” Martin said.

“It’s okay. If that’s the case then, let’s go.”


They then went out to eat dinner in a restaurant after going the ocean park.

“Franc, I just really want to say thank you for today. I really had fun and I was able to really relax.” Angel said.

“It’s nothing. I’m happy I am able to help you relax. So if you’re feeling tired, sad or angry, just call me and I’ll immediately go to you and cheer you up.” Martin said.

“Okay.  I will.” Angel said then smiles.



“I know you’ll get angry at me for this but why are you still marrying Xavier? He’s abusive and hot headed. And you really don’t love him right?”

“I’m marrying him because I need to. I’m doing it for my Dad.”

“But your Dad is not the one marrying Xavier but you. You will be the one to suffer.”

“Can we not talk about this?”

Martin suddenly holds Angel’s hand.

“What if I tell you to be with me instead of marrying him?”


“I like you Angel. I can give your father lots and lots of money if that’s what he wants. I will do everything just to be with you.”

Angel immediately pulls her hand away.

“Isn’t this a bit all of a sudden? We just met. And you don’t know my Dad. You don’t understand my situation Franc?”

“I do. I understand your situation. You’re marrying Xavier because your father says so. You marrying Xavier is just like a business deal. If your father really loves you, he’ll let you marry the one you love.”

“Franc, can we not talk about this anymore?  I want to go home already. I’m already tired.”

Angel then stood up and walks out of the restaurant. Xavier then follows her and stopped her. When he was already able to catch her he kisses Angel on the lips but then Angel suddenly slaps him.

“Kayeh please.” Martin said facing Angel while holding Angel’s hands.

“Why did you call me that? No one calls me that except..” Angel said.

Only Martin calls Angel, Kayeh. Angel’s full name is Angel Kaye Santiago but Martin back when they were together always teases Angel and calls her Kayeh which was close to her second name which was Kaye.

“Don’t you recognize me? You already told to me once that I look like him.”

“Martin? How come? What happened?”

“I’ll explain to you everything in the car.”

In Martin’s car, he explained to Angel everything that happened from the time that he work for Mr. Tan, the time he went to jail, everything. But there’s one thing that he forgot, it is that Venus told him that he shouldn’t reveal his identity anyone even to Angel.

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