7 || a bed for two

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a bed for two 


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"You did eat a lot," Raphael points out.

"I was storing it for later."

His lips quirk up. "Like a bear?"

"Exactly like a bear."

The three of them stroll along a set of candlelit stairs, the flames hissing above their heads. Wax, hot and heavy, drips onto the marble floor. Tessa White and Raphael walk in front, side by side. Vivre follows behind them, careful not to sulk. 

Jealousy and resentment cling to her, despite her attempts to shrug them off. Raphael's no toy and she isn't a child.  She can share him. Despite those words, Vivre grows increasingly frustrated.  Tessa's approach is completely different from the way Raphael and Vivre used to operate. She insists on exploring each room they pass. 

"This one looks interesting," She says as they come to a stop at the bottom of the stairs. A brass door gleams at the end, but that's it. It looks they hit another dead end. 

"Maybe we should go back up," Vivre suggests.

"What if the exit is on the other side of the room?" Tessa challenges "And maybe you've forgotten Lincoln, but I haven't." 

Raphael examines Tessa carefully. "You seem to care about your boyfriend." 

"Of course, we've been in love for over four years -" 

They've only been dating for two years. Before that, Lincoln was with Vivre.  

" - and have had a friendship way before that. If Lincoln is out there, I know he would be looking for me. I miss him so much -" 

"We get it," Vivre snaps. She wrenches the door open. It's heavy and grinds against the floor. It takes both of her hands to haul it open. 

Inside, the room lies full of statues. Each one has been delicately carved out of stone and depicts a specific scenario. The one closest to the door depicts a lioness leaping onto a terrified fawn, its legs crumpling beneath itself. Another one further on showcases a waterfall without a cliff, fish jumping out of the water. 

"What the fuck?" Tessa gasps as she enters the room. "This is impossible." 

"These works of art are amazing," Vivre agrees. She comes to a stop in front the centerpiece of the room, a statue of tree so large it touches the ceiling. "It's hard to believe that castle like this exists without any of us knowing about it." 

"There is an unnatural element about this place," Raphael points out, sitting down on one of the roots. "The weather, for one, is otherworldly. We have been here for days, yet have found no trace of day. No sunshine." 

"Otherworldly is one way to describe it. We should have died on that train, but here we are, standing without injuries." 

"Stop," Tessa interrupts. "You're freaking me out." 

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