Once he had returned, he drove through the town until he found a fast food restaurant with a drive through, all the while patiently suffering Quinn's angry scowl that was aimed directly at him. Without asking her, he ordered some much needed food for them both. A lot of food. Burgers and French fries and jumbo sized sodas.

"The motel is just on the other side of town," Christian said as he popped a few French fries into his mouth and then handed her one of the cheeseburgers. "I'll get us a room on the ground floor, right at the end."

Quinn grudgingly took a bite from her cheeseburger, but only because she was so hungry her stomach was starting to cramp. "And I'm staying in the car again while you see to the room?"

"Yes," Christian replied simply. "And it's not negotiable."

Quinn scowled again, but continued eating her burger in silence. It wasn't like she couldn't take care of herself. They should stay together, especially in a strange town. Why was he insisting on doing everything without her?

A few minutes later, Christian pulled into the parking lot of the motel in question and left her in the car while he went to book them a room. It was a simple two story building with white walls and blue railing on the upper floor and a decently kept roof. At least it wasn't the cheap motel she had been picturing. She was by no means a snob, but she really didn't want to have to deal with a filthy room.

As soon as they were inside the room, Christian wasted no time in locking the door and drawing the curtains closed. He then took a sweep around the room, his nostrils flaring as he searched for any sign that they weren't alone.

Quinn took a moment to look around the room. It was sparsely furnished, with a single queen sized bed off to the left with two bedside tables each holding a lamp, a small dining table with two chairs beside the window, a small wooden wardrobe and a dresser on top of which stood a television. On the far side of the room from the door was a bathroom.

"You go ahead and finish eating," Christian said, nudging her gently towards the table by the window. "There aren't any other rooms booked on this level so we should be safe for now."

He guided her down into one of the chairs at the table and pulled a cheeseburger from the bag, setting it in front of her. "Eat. You're running on fumes as much as I am. If you don't get enough calories, your body is going to shut down."

"What about you?" Quinn asked, unwrapping the burger. She had to admit she was starving, even after the burger she'd already finished in the car. But she was more concerned with Christian. She expected him to be wolfing down food now that they were in the relative safety of the room.

Christian leaned in and kissed the top of her head. "Don't worry about me. I'm going to get cleaned up and then I'll eat."

With that, he drew back and began pulling off his shirt, heading towards the bathroom, and without much else to do, and admittedly still hungry, Quinn sighed and reached out for a carton of fries to go with her burger.

A few minutes later, Christian returned from the bathroom and Quinn felt herself blushing when she instinctively glanced up at him. He hadn't taken the fresh clothing he'd bought earlier with him and was walking over to the bed where he had left the clothes clasping a towel around his hips, giving her an unobstructed view of his torso.

"Like what you see?" he asked when he noticed her staring.

Quinn tore her gaze away in embarrassment. "You left those there on purpose."

Christian chuckled, but didn't say anything. When he was done dressing, he padded around the bed to her side and leaned down to affectionately brush his lips against the top of her head.

"You all done?" he asked, looking at the crumpled burger wrapper and empty fries carton in front of her. "Eat as much as you like, little wolf. There's more than enough for the both of us."

Quinn glanced at the food, considering, and then shook her head. "I've had enough. You should eat now."

Christian watched her for a moment, perhaps gauging if she was being sincere or if she was just being polite.

"Alright," he said after a moment. "Then, you should go and get cleaned up as well. You'll feel better, trust me. While you do that, I'll contact the Alpha Prime."

As Quinn retrieved the fresh change of clothes Christian had left out for her, the Alpha collected several burgers and fries from the table and made himself comfortable on top of the bed, resting his back against the headboard. As he took several large bites of burger, Christian picked up the phone on the bedside cabinet beside him and then began dialling a number.

"Go on, little wolf," he urged while he held the phone to his ear, waiting for an answer. "It's alright."

She was just closing the bathroom door after herself when she heard Christian greet whoever had picked up the phone on the other end of the line.

"Caine? It's me. We have a very serious problem."

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