Three Years of Waiting (Chapter 5 part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Who told you that?!" Xavier said aloud making everyone look at him.

"Keep your voice down Xavier."

"You know my father Venus. What he wants is what he gets. I can't just say I don't want to marry the girl he wants me to marry. He'll kill me. And Angel is nice person. It's easy for me to love her."

"You haven't changed Xavier. You're still a coward. You weren't able to stand up to father back then when we were together and you still can't stand up to him now. I don't even know why he didn't approve of us back then. I should be the one that's angry with him. He stole our company and killed my father yet he always denies it but deep inside I know he made my father suffer."

"I kept on telling you he didn't do that."

"Well, believe what you want to believe Xavier. By the way, congratulations to your engagement. Be careful thought, someone might take her away from you. Because that same little birdie that told me about you marrying her just for her money told me, she does not love you, she loves someone else. "

"Why are you doing this? Are you jealous? Do you still love me?"

"I know you are a coward but I didn't know you are also insane. Of course not. I'm not jealous nor still in love with you. You clearly know why I broke up with you."

The host of the event then calls Xavier and his fiancée to the stage.

"Go to fiancée already. You can't keep her waiting."

Venus then finishes her glass of champagne and then went to find Martin.


Martin looked around for Angel. After a few minutes, she heard a familiar voice and when she turned around, a girl bumped into him pouring champagne all over his suit.

"I'm so sorry." The lady said.

Martin couldn't be mistaken. Even with the mask on, he's sure that the girl who just spilled champagne of him is none other than Angel.

"It's okay." Martin said.

Martin can hardly speak. It's been years since he last saw her and from the last time he saw her, she had grown more beautiful.

"Waiter, get me some tissue and club soda." Angel said.

Angel then helps Martin get the champagne clean out of his suit.

"I'm really sorry." Angel said.

"It's okay. By the way, I am Franc and you are?" Martin said as he gives his hand to Angel for her to shake it.

"I'm Angel." Angel said as he takes Martin hand then shakes it.

"Nice to meet you Angel. What a nice name. Care to dance? Even just for awhile."

"Uhm. Okay. Sure."

Martin then Angel then dances to this slow song while looking at each other's eyes.

"If I didn't just meet you now, I would think I have known you for a while already." Angel said.

Martin just smiled. And while dancing, they talked and talked like they were the only people in the ball room. But when the music stopped, Angel needed to go.

"Thank you. Nice to meet you again Franc. But I need to go." Angel said.

Angel then walks away and went to the stage. Martin was about to follow her but Venus stopped her by pulling his arm.

"You can talk to her again later." Venus said.


"Ladies and gentlemen. I present you Xavier and the future Mrs. Xavier Tan, Ms. Angel Santiago. Let's all clap for them." The host said.

Xavier and Angel then takes off their masks.

"Uhm. I just want to thank you all for coming and celebrating this joyful event with us." Xavier said.

"You have anything to say Ms. Angel?" The host said.

"Just like Xavier said, I just want to thank each one of you for coming and I also want to thank all the people that made this engagement party happen." Angel said.

"Let's once again, clap for them. Dinner would be served in awhile and you can now take off your masks."

Martin and Venus was about to go to their table when Mr. Tan saw them.

"Venus! How have you been? You look beautiful tonight as always." Mr. Tan said as if nothing has happened between him and his father.

"Mr. Tan, I'm doing well. I'm still working in my uncle's company as a COO if that's what you want to know." Venus said.

"I see. And who do you have here?"

"Sorry if I wasn't able to introduce to you, this is Franc Sebastian. He works for an investment company. Franc, this is Mr. Rogelio Tan, the father of Xavier."

"Nice to meet you Mr. Tan." Martin said.

Martin and Mr. Tan shook hands but anger can be seen in Martin's eyes.

"Nice to meet you too. Are you from here? I haven't seen you around here." Mr. Tan said.

"Yes. I just came home from the States. It's just that I missed the Philippines. And a dear friend of mine asked me if I could work for him so I'm here."

"I see. You and Ms. Venus, are you together?"

"How very blunt and nonchalant of you Mr. Tan." Venus said.

"I was just asking." Mr. Tan said.

"Franc and I are friends Mr. Tan. Let's just leave it at that for the moment." Venus said.

Suddenly, Xavier and Angel pass by.

"You need to formally meet my son and future daughter-in-law, Mr. Sebastian." Mr. Tan said.

"Sure Mr. Tan." Martin said.

"Xavier, Angel, come here for a while." Mr. Tan said.

"Yes father?" Xavier said.

Xavier was surprised that his father was talking to Venus and this guy that looks familiar to him.

"Xavier, Angel, this is Mr. Franc Sebastian. He works for an investment company. Mr. Sebastian, this is my son Xavier and his fiancée Angel." Mr. Tan said.

Martin shook hand with both Xavier and Angel.

"You're that guy awhile ago right?" Angel said.

"Huh? What happened?" Xavier said.

"I accidentally spilled champagne on him. I'm really sorry." Angel said.

"It's okay." Martin said.

"By the way, Angel, this is Venus, she's a family friend." Mr. Tan said.

"And Xavier's ex-girlfriend too. Nice to meet you and congratulations." Venus said.

"Venus!" Xavier said angrily.

"I was just lightening the mood Xavier. Don't be too hot headed. I said ex-girlfriend so it's already in the past. Angel doesn't need to worry. Right Angel?" Venus said.

Angel just smiled.

"We better go to our table already." Xavier said.

"Sure. Nice meeting you again." Martin said.

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