"Yes been awful quite about this boy sharky...is he trouble? Is that why I can't meet him?"she said I started to speak but she kept cutting me off

"I mean how did he ask you out?"my my mum questioned me

"Well-"I started to say

"I hope he didn't ask you like Sam did your ex because you dad-"she started to say I had enough

"MUM!"i shout out of anger the last person I want involved is dad and it fell silent I didn't mean to shout

"Izzy maybe show my mum some of the locked in episodes with sharky to maybe change her mind while I get ready"I said and I locked my door and I text sharky I changed his name recently not much just a red heart

To Sharky❤️:my mum won't stop asking about you xxx

I put my hair in up and instant reply from sharky I smiled I was so happy bless him he the best at replying...well depending on his day

Sharky❤️:and that's a bad thing Bubba because? Xxx

Evie:she was going to bring up Sam and what my dad thought of him :( xxx

I put my AirPods in to listen to music while also text sharky but then there was no point because

Incoming FaceTime call Sharky ❤️

"Hi I'm just doing my makeup"I said and I look up and was sat in like a dressing room somewhere or something?

"Wait where are you?"I asked

"Chunkz said I could come to footasylum to film with him but I just sit in the dressing room and hang around really, but what you mean about your mum"he asked

"All she said what how you asked me out but before I could explain she was going to go on about how Sam asked me and my dad but out of the blue I shouted at her because she brought dad into it"I said I felt bad it was just the full ex and dad I hate the two together they make me sad in different days

"How did your ex ask you? You haven't said"he asked I sighed and I stopped doing my makeup well I was putting face and eye cream on my face to prep but I stopped to explain the story and put everything away and laid back on my chair and took a deep breath

"So my mum and dad worked all day so in the summer when I met him I use to let him come to mine and my dad knew him because my dad worked for the police and in our area he always got into trouble so when he caught him he tried to kick him out but he asked me out right then and there to stop my dad from kicking him out the house"I explained

"What you say?"he asked

"I said yes because I was blind and dumb and loved him but my dad was too caring and said if I'm happy with him around than it's fine even know he knew what trouble if got myself into and I did and it was killing my dad inside...literally"I said and I started to cry only a bit

"Baby"he sighed and looked around the room I knew he hated how he wasn't with me and if I'm being honest probably the day today I'm not with him is when I needed and wanted to be here the most and I wiped all my tears away and sighed

"Jesus one day away from you and I'm crying"I joke to make myself laugh and he did a bit

"What's upset you though"he asked

"I dunno it's just my ex and my dad in the same sentence it's like that's in the past now and I never wanna relive it I want my dad just in a sentence without my ex you know"I said upset and angry at the same time

"You sure you don't want me to come round later?"he asked I nodded

"You go anyways you got much better things to do than me just ranting at you I'm just a bit stressed"I said

"Only if you want me to leave you that's fine but you doing your makeup?"he asked

"Well yeah?"I said confused on why his asking

"For me don't put any on please?"he asked I looked at him confused

"You better without it and also with but cute without"he said I smiled The chunkz with filly came in and saw me on face time

"My god Evie seriously you two cannot get away from each other"chunkz said

"It's love bro don't get in the way of it"fily said to chunkz while me and sharky was just laughing but they was also telling him he made it into a footasylum video

"Oh babe I gotta go"he said

"That's fine go! You was anyways"I said he smiled

"Cya later"he said

"Love you bye!"I said and he kinda blew me a kiss and ended the call

That's when I got dressed but only in joggers and thought I'll take my mum to Starbucks or something so I unlocked my door

"This boy is amazing and gorgeous izzy"I hear my mum say by laughing I was shocked she like approving of him izzy lightly smiled at me

"Mum"I spoke softly

"Awh Evie seriously this boy is amazing come sit and watch please! I wanna know about him and I let you talk of course"she said I laughed

"I thought we could go get a coffee or something? Just as a sorry my treat"I asked

"Darling I was on the wrong you ex is history plus I should never think sharky is like this I mean he the exact opposite and coffee can wait can't it izzy started the episode from when sharky came in and oh my god it's like a love story! Come sit and watch please"she said and I went to sit down

"No wait can you make me a tea I'm gonna be here a while"she said we started laughing so we all had a cup of tea I started making them and I looked at my mum going on and on about how sweet of a guy he is I couldn't stop smiling I need to text sharky even if he doesn't reply in a while

To sharky❤️:Oh one more thing, my mums watching locked in and she can't wait to meet you now and now I can't wait for you to meet her! Xxx

After making the teas I got a reply from sharky

Sharky❤️:at least she approves that all I care about and to be honest now you said that I feel the same way xxx

made me so happy today that we can just sit and re watch it I mean I haven't even watched it back!

After footasylum locked in (sharky form the beta squad)Where stories live. Discover now