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Evie pov
It was early morning and I'd showered and done my hair and makeup

"Jesus you up and ready aren't ya!"becky said and me, her and Elosie laughed

"I'm gonna try and make breakfast because sharky still hasn't taught me"I said and I started to get the eggs but only scramble the egg whites and make toast and I actually did it

"Oh my god! I fucking done it"I said as I grab a pate and butter my toast

"What is it just egg whites?"Vee asked

"Yeh but I wanna make more food because I can make it"I said buzzing the girls doing there makup was laughing and I saw sharky coming downstairs

"Sharky please say you want breakfast! Because look what I've done!"I shouted he came across

"Why it like white? It's not cooked babes"he said

"No it's just egg whites"I said he looked at me

"Sharky it's a model ting it's the healthy option"Eleanor said

"Right if it's healthy I want that then and a massage"he said and I looked at him who was laughing and he went to chat to the boys so I started eating and making him food and the girls asked for some food as well so I started making for everyone really well I say that but it was Elosie & becky and then sharky and they sat down and started eating

"For a first time Eves I rate it"Becky said

"Good job my love"elosie said

"I don't like it"sharky said becky and Eleanor started laughing I was a bit offended because it's my first time cooking

"No no! It ain't you I promise it's just too plain"he said and I just pretend I was fine

"Awh I feel bad now"he said and I just went to speak to bash and some of the others on the sofa

"Evie he's throwing it away!"elosie said and I looked and he was smiling I stood up and I was gob smacked he came and hugged me

"Your so mean"I said

"It's not you it's me"he said

"That's what they all say and you ain't getting a massage now"I said and let go of his hug

"Awh babes"he said and I walked off with the girls and I wasn't happy but I got over it in 10 mins so while most of us was still waking up and chatting about random shit because we was bored the comments came up and we all ran to read them one of the Michael Dapaah

Michael Dapahh
My brother Sharky!!!! Your in there girl a peng ting

They was loads of memes and stuff and it's strange to see like there another world outside and they showed us a video message from Joel like it was strange to see him we missed him so much I mean I really do

Then we was all chilling and Eman came out of nowhere and egged me

"Eww, bruv"I said annoyed

Sharky pov
I was sat next to Evie and the egg got on me and she ran to the shower

"Bro don't do that"I said and we both looked at each other and Eman knew I was grabbing the eggs and it turned into the egg fight and then we got told to clean and I refused

"Sharky Evie will get her pillow back if you clean"footasylum said and I sighed

"God sakes man"I said and grabbed the mop everyone was laughing

"Your such a simple bruv"Mike said I just ignored them and as we was cleaning Evie was stood came down while tied her up in a ponytail

"What happened"she said

After footasylum locked in (sharky form the beta squad)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt