the one where four goes feral

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four was not having a good day. they (the links) were in wild's hyrule today, and for some reason decided it would be nice to take a walk in the desert. with the city where no men could get in. unless you were like wild and had a disguise. alas, he only had one. which he used. and left everyone outside in the scorching heat while he bought bomb arrows. (not even more vai clothes?)

the only good thing was that vio was in control, because he wasn't as impulsive as the rest of them and wouldn't snap at anyone or complain about the heat. but vio was easily fed up with blue being annoying. and red complaining. and green trying to get him to stop reading.

vio! why don't you go talk to them! get our minds off the heat! green exclaimed, trying to make it sound interesting.

please... you're the only one of us that genuinely enjoys reading.  blue complained, luckily silent to everyone else.

"and you're the only one of us that genuinely enjoys complaining, but i never say anything." vio mumbled. sadly he had to say anything out loud if he wanted the others to hear.

please just stop arguing! blue, vio can read if he wants, it's not like he can read when any of us are in control. wait your turn for once! red tried to mediate.

"THANK you red, and blue, if it makes you feel better, i'll try and convince the group to go in the oasis we passed." vio replied.

like convincing is necessary, blue snapped back. they look just as hot as us.

vio could tell green was biting back a laugh at the unintended pun blue made.

shut it, green. apparently blue did too.

as vio made his way over to the rest of the group, (he had walked over to read in the shade, but the others had stayed near the shrine) blue and green started bickering.

don't tell me to shut up!

well, if you weren't laughing at me i wouldn't

"both of you shut up, i can't listen to two arguments at once"

i agree with vio, green, you know better than to antagonize blue. we'll never hear the end of it. 

hey! that's rude. are you gonna keep talking about me like i'm a toddler?



"yes. now shut up."


as blue continued to rant on how "he was an adult, and should be treated like one," vio made it over to the group while being increasingly annoyed. the two gerudo at the entrance looked at him weird, as he was having a full on argument with himself, but they seemed content with his distance to the entrance.

"hey guys? i don't know about you but it's getting really hot. we should head back to the oasis, it's not healthy to be this hot for this long." vio stated to the group.

"i agree, but what about wild? we can't just leave hi-her in there." time replied, as the unofficial leader/dad to the group.

"we could ask one of the guards to tell wild. as long as we keep our distance they shouldn't get mad." twilight suggested.

"good idea. i think time should do it, he looks the most respectful. and probably won't accidentally say the wrong thing." wind said, even though sky could probably pull it off as well.

i think... that we should GET A MOVE ON ALREADY! i'm sweltering hot, and green, that was not a pun, next time we split i WILL punch you.

blue, as much as i agree with you, don't punch me, and be patient for once in your life.

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