"What do you want to talk about?" He asked, not wanting to make her feel worse.

"Let's gossip about Kol and Bonnie." She suggested, "What the hell is going on there?"

"Who knows?"

"You know."

"I do?"

Aliza stopped walking and turned to look at Henrik, who kept his head down.

"Henrik whatever-the-hell-is-your-middle-and-last-name-is." She said, with her hands on her hips, "You know exactly what's going on there. Details. Now."

He sighed, "Can't we just let it go? This once?"

"Bold of you to assume I'll agree to do that."

"Fine," Henrik rolled his eyes and shook his head, "What do you want to know?"

"Why is Kol giving mixed signals to Bonnie? Is he playing her? Because if he is I swear to god I will take a shovel and shove it up-"

"Kol has a past," Henrik began. He had no desire to hear Aliza complete that threat.


"Davina. She was the love of Kol's life. She still is. Marcel was the one who saved her, she was like his daughter."

"What happened to her?"

"Kol killed her."

Aliza blinked a few times, "Kol killed her? You just said he loves her. "

"Kol was cursed by a witch and Davina tried to save him but that did not end well for either of them." Henrik wasn't prepared to tell Aliza the whole truth, he couldn't do that. It would only scare her away and that was not how he wished things to be turn out.

"Who was this witch? Why did they do such a thing?"

He shrugged, "Most witches are followers of the laws of nature. They believe one that lives must die at some point. They loathe vampires."

"Does Uncle Vin and dad know this witch?" Aliza asked.

"I don't know," He lied, "But I advise you not to ask about this to Kol or anyone else. He doesn't like talking about Davina much. Marcel too."

She slowly nodded her head, "Yeah mom says not everyone likes to talk about their trauma. We should never ask questions about anyone's past, not unless they are the ones initiating the conversation."


"Look at her," She mused, staring down in the pot with a wicked glee in her eyes, "So innocent. How will they ever get her to accept the truth?" They certainly loved the girl, she could see it in their eyes. It was an interesting sight to watch her grow on them.

"Niklaus and his family have become even more delusional." He answered in amusement. He had to admit, the girl was nothing like he could've imagined.

"Well, as long as we get what we want, them being delusional is a good thing."

"I suppose it is." He agreed. "What are you planning to do with her?"

She laughed, "After everything goes as planned. I will use her to kill every single one of them and when she and Hope will have no one to call family, I will keep them under my control."


"I can't do this,"

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