black, like my soul | percabeth *:・゚

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— Annabeth *:・゚

"Um hi, one expresso, black, like my soul," the boy in the blue hoodie muttered. Probably new here, I thought, never having seen him before.

I snorted. "The amount of times I've heard the words, 'Black, like my soul,'" I said, smiling. One of the first things you learnt when you're trying to sell coffee is to keep that smile on your face. That fake smile that got you through the day.

"Glad to know it isn't mauve." I commented, trying to get the ridiculously old expresso machine to work. He looked confused. That was the first time I saw his eyes. The clearest sea green. I blinked and turned around.

"What?" he asked.

"You clearly didn't get the reference," making my most disappointed face.

"Evidently not um,"

"Annabeth." I finished, sliding the expresso over the counter.

He eagerly took a sip and made a face. "Ew. Who knew coffee was disgusting?" he asked, genuinely alarmed.

I stared at him.

"You've never had coffee?" I asked incredulously.

"Um...once when I was thirteen, but I spat it on my stepdad." He said, shuddering at the memory. In that moment, there was something sad and familiar in his eyes, but he looked back at me with a small grin.

"And you asked for an expresso?!" I said, adding on, knowing very well I had nothing better to do till people started walking in for their evening coffee.

" sounded really cool to say 'black like my soul,' despite your mocking." his eyes darted around nervously.

"Okay go sit right there." I said, pointing to my favourite corner table. "And wait. I'm gunna make something to match your 'oh so black and menacing' soul." He nervously shuffled to the corner and vacantly stared around.

Five minutes later I was back at his table, with a blue mug in hand.

"Hot chocolate for you. With blue marshmallows."

His eyes widened. "How'd you know I liked blue marshmallows?"

I shrugged. "I didn't. Took a wild guess. Also we're out of regular marshmallows."

"Well now this is perfection." he said.

"Happy to help a poor coffee-less soul."

He smiled. "So why are you here?" I asked.

He looked positively frightened. "What do you mean? Don't worry I'm not a serial killer."

I laughed. "No, why are you even here if you don't like coffee?"

"Was trying something new. And drinking it makes me feel mature." He said, shrugging.

"So...why not Starbucks?"

"Because it's expensive and not worth it. And because I met this one guy at school who said Café Olympus was better. He seemed really nice. Though I'm pretty sure he hated the plastic bottle in my hand."

"Oh there he is!" he said, faintly surprised. I stared through the window. Thalia and Grover were walking towards me, Thalia with green glitter all over her.

"That's my friend Grover," I said, pointing to him as he opened the door. "And that," I hollered, "is Thalia. And no, she doesn't usually have green glitter on her face."

"Don't ask." She growled, pulling up a chair and getting tissues stuck to her face.

"So Juniper then?" I asked, smirking at a blushing Grover. Thalia made a face at him and then stared at our hot chocolate-y stranger.

"Who're you?" she asked, quite abruptly, her electric blue eyes calculating and, well kinda scary.

"Hey new kid!" Grover yelled from the back. "He's in my math class." a muffled voice said.

"Grover Underwood get your hands off those muffins!" I called out. "Chiron may be a nice owner, but he's gonna notice those missing muffins!"

"So you're new." Thalia said. Sometimes I wanted to tell her not to scare people the way she did. "Welcome to hell then."

They shook hands awkwardly, Thalia the epitome of confidence, and the boy with his awkwardness hanging in the air like fog. I cleared my throat. "Ya'll came to pick up the posters?" I asked, pointedly. Usually I wasn't that eager to get rid of them, but today was- different. I wasn't sure why.

"On it." Thalia said, turning around and giving me a long stare with her piercing blue eyes. I frowned at her and and snorted.

"Good to see you, new kid." Grover said, as the two of them stepped out with 'Save The World' posters.

The boy was already ready to pay. "Thanks," I muttered, and started cleaning up.

"You sure your leg is okay?" he asked, again. I grinned.

"Yep. Now get out of here, you. I need to close up."

He turned, and shuffled out, leaving an ocean-y scent behind. Then I realised I was holding his change. I grunted, half limping, stormed out and hollered into the street.

"HEY YOU!" I yelled, knowing very well my voice hadn't carried. "EXCUSE ME," I yelled again and then desperately called out, "SEAWEED BRAIN! GET BACK HERE!"

No, do not ask me how he heard that but he turned around, mild astonishment written all over his face, and he scuttled back, knowing very well that people were staring.

"Yes?" he asked, bemused. I cursed. "You forgot your change."

He raised his eyebrows. "Well thanks, Annabeth." I laughed. "Dummy," I muttered.

"Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow in school then." he said, beginning to walk away already.

"Wait hold on." I mumbled.

He stopped in his tracks. "Yes?"

"What's your name again?"

"Oh," he said, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, "It's Percy Jackson."


hey ya'll! miSsEd mE?  i literally should not be doing this 6 days before finals but i missed writing so i did a lil  one shot uwu

aNd i kiNdA hOpE yOu liKe iT-

love ya'll so much


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