Chapter 5 - A Traitor's True Anguish - A Hunt 2

Start from the beginning

Alright, this is going to be difficult. I don't have a Monokuma File or an autopsy report from Gin. I don't even have anyone else's input except Mizuki's. I'm sure a real investigation will begin at some point, but for now, I should just rely on what I have.

Firstly, I cautiously approached Kei's body. The only wound I could visibly see was his head wound. It didn't seem that big, but judging from the large amount of blood on his head, I could tell it was deep. Also, since it was on the back of his head, does that mean he was attacked from behind? A surprise attack perhaps...

Another thing to note was how dry the body was. It seems like he wasn't soaked from the sprinklers last night. Does that mean he died after they were set off?

I get that everyone wasn't really friendly with him, but was killing him necessary?

Whatever. This must be Kei's cause of death. I'm sure of it.


I also remembered his eye wound. I figured this would be a good opportunity to inspect it closer.

Moving aside his blood-soaked hair from his face, I was greeted by the injury. It was so gruesome, almost like it was fake. The infected skin, the glass shards that were almost impossible to see, the disgusting gashes. It was unreal.

"Woah! So that's what he was hiding. It's kinda cool up close..." Mizuki commented on the wound, shoving me out of the way to get a closer look at it.

At least I know that injury wasn't his cause of death. Mizuki seems a bit too excited to see it though...

Since there was nothing else notable about the body, I decided to examine the room.

The most obvious thing was the burnt and charred walls. The room was unrecognizable from when we first saw it. It was no longer a pristine cushioned white, but now a smoky black.

This must be where the fire happened that triggered the sprinklers. I could still smell the heavy gasoline and smoke.

But why was the lab burnt in the first place? What does it have to do with Kei's death? And is burning a whole room even allowed?

TRUTH BULLET FOUND! - Mizuki's Burnt Lab

The next thing was the tactical knife in Kei's cold right hand. It seemed to be like the ones from his lab and had some blood on it. But why was it here? Kei has no stab wounds. Is it even related to the case at all?

No, it must be. Especially since it's covered in blood.

TRUTH BULLET FOUND! - Tactical Knife

I noticed the mysterious cloth that was laying there on the floor. After picking it up, I thought it was just some normal piece of torn fabric. But when I brought it to my nose, that's when I realized what was wrong with it.

I immediately felt tired, like I wanted to doze off right then and there. My eyelids suddenly felt heavy. I would've fallen asleep if it wasn't for Mizuki.

"Hey! Snap outta it!" Mizuki grabbed and began to shake me aggressively. "Don't go smelling random stuff. That's dangerous!"

"Huh...?" It took me a while to return back to normal.

"So you were sleepy, hm?" She snatched the cloth out of my hands. "Oh! I see. This is probably covered in chloroform."


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