Chapter 6

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Aizawa POV

"I guess so... is that alright with you?" Hizashi asks while still holding back my hair.

All my life I haven't cared about soulmates, and now I find out that mine is my best friend from high school that I haven't seen in over 10 years, I feel like I'm in some weird romance fiction.

Now I know that it's just my heartbeat I start to feel a bit better and it gradually slows down, this will seriously be something to get used to. I start to stand up and clean myself off and realize that I haven't answered his question yet...

"I guess it's alright... I mean... I'll have to get to know you again before anything uh... real happens, but I guess that there's nothing that we can do to change it right?" I say and that seems to make him a bit sad, and I still don't like seeing that after all these years so I add "I'm not necessarily saying it's a bad thing... but it's all very sudden and umm there is still a bit of catching up to do I guess" this seems to make him happier so I head over to the sink and clean off my face.

"Are you feeling better then? Nezu said that we could take all the time we need so don't feel rushed." He says.

I do feel a lot better, and I honestly just need some time to think so I state, "Yeah, I'm fine, that was mostly coffee anyways, and we still need to have this tour today so why don't we just do it now and then we could... talk about this after somewhere else"

"OooOOooo like a date" Hizashi jokes and wiggles his eyebrows, although I know it's a joke, I still feel a bit uncomfortable because this is honestly just really sudden and confusing.

After that, we awkwardly walk back to Nezu's office, and although we are bombarded with questions from Nemuri we just let Nezu know that we are ready for the tour and head out.

Throughout the tour Nezu sits in my capture scarf for some reason and guides from there, he said that he always wanted to try it when I was I student but that would've been weird, but now that he is able to he said it was quite comfortable. I have a feeling that this will not be the last time he is found there.

I can't concentrate throughout the entire tour, and luckily I recognize most of it from my time as a student at the school, the only thing that I can think about is what I should do about this whole soulmate situation.

There is no way for me to un-find Hizashi and get my lack of a heart back, so I will have to figure out what to do about this weird loud thing that is here to stay... and my heart too. I will have to protect it more when fighting and somehow get used to this constant thumping, but I really don't know what to do about all this.

Hopefully, when we go out after this we will be able to figure something out... god this is not at all how I imagined this day to go. I had even ruled out the possibility that I would EVER find a soulmate and was completely fine with it, and yet now here we are... I'm going to have to cut down on my coffee... NOOOOOOO NEVERRRRRR!!!

We have lunch in the new redone cafeteria, at around 1, and after that, the tour is basically done, Nezu gives us some information about our teaching areas and how the whole thing works, and we get let out early at 3.

Hizashi and I walk in silence off UA property, and when we get to the end and have to decide which way to turn Hizashi asks, "Hey umm... where do you want to go?"

I lazily shrug my shoulders then suddenly feel him pull my arm down the street, "Where are we going?" I mumble yawning again, I really need a coffee.

"Oh, umm there's this place I saw on my way here that I thought you might like, so I figured that's as good a place as any..." He starts to trail off then shouts, "Oh! Here it is! Come on let's go in!"

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