Chapter 5

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Hizashi POV

The morning of the interview before Aizawa got there

Today is the day that I have my last meeting to become a UA teacher! I am extremely excited, I'm also supposed to meet another person who will be hired at the same time as me so that is pretty exciting too! I just love meeting new people and making new friends! This is going to be a great day!

I want to make a good first impression on this person so I made sure to get to the meeting a bit early just in case they were an early person. But now that I've been sitting here with principle Nezu for about 15 minutes and it is almost time for the meeting, I realize that they are clearly not that type.

That doesn't really matter though because it's at least good to get to know Nezu more, I've only ever known him as the principal before, so it's important that I get to know him as a coworker... I guess, but it feels really weird.

"So... it's almost 8, are they coming?" I ask trying to fill the silence, but also just really wanting to know where they are.

"Oh, he should be here soon, don't worry, he usually gets here just around when the meeting starts so he should be here any second now," Nezu responds.

We sit there in silence for a few more moments until we suddenly hear a voice from the door, I hadn't even heard it open in the first place!

"H-h..." The person had begun to say in a shocked tone, maybe we already know eachother. I look around and am struck with the same shock he had... "Sh-Shota is that-" I begin but Nezu cuts me off.

"Ahhhh Aizawa, it's good to see you! I would like you to remeet your new coworker, I do believe you already know eachother but introductions are so fun" Nezu laughs but continues, it is Aizawa! I can't believe it! It's been so many years! Nezu then continues and for some reason introduces us "Shota Aizawa meet Hizashi Yamada! Hizashi Yamada meet Shota Aizawa"

Bah-dum... Bah-dum... Bah-dum...

I suddenly fall to my knees, what is this feeling? What is going on?

Wait... is that what I think it is... no it couldn't be... could Shota really be... that's the only plausible explanation... Shota Aizawa is my soulmate... how lucky could I be! This is CRAZY!!!

When I realize the situation I look up to Shota in excitement but only see him suddenly rush out of the room. I begin to chase after him but am suddenly stopped by Nezu, "What's going on Yamada?" He asks.

"I-... We... I think we just got our hearts!" I almost yell but manage to keep it in.

"Oh! How wonderful! I had a feeling that this would happen, go to him and take all the time you need, also, Nemuri owes me 2000 yen so if you see her please remind her. She should be at the school somewhere. " Nezu says and laughs, how could he have possibly known that this would happen? We haven't seen eachother or even spoken in over a decade!

I stop thinking of all my questions and run out the door to find Shota, why did he run off, does he not want to be my soulmate?

I run down the hall and I don't see him, but I do run into Nemuri, "Hey! I just saw Aizawa frantically run into the bathroom is everything alright?"

Now I know where he is, but I have no time to chat or catch up with Nemuri so I just start to run off and yell "I have no time to explain, but just go see Nezu, he can explain and he says you owe him 2000 yen!".

She thinks for a moment then I hear her faintly yell "WAIT WHAT!!!?!?!??!?!?" off in the distance but right now I just need to find Shota.

I finally make it to the bathroom which was all the way at the end of the hall and barge in, slamming the door open in the process to see Shota in one of the far stalls.

"Shota, hey... it's me Hizashi, are you alright?" I hesitantly ask.

I hear him cough and rush over to his side to see that he has thrown up, "Oh no Shota! Let me hold back your hair!" I say and try to get his messy hair away from his face, "What on earth happened!" I ask basically forgetting the situation that we're both in right now.

"Hey Hizashi, this is such a great way to meet after all these years," Shota starts in a tired tone, "I don't know what really happened, there was just this sudden thumping in my chest that still hasn't gone away and it made me ummm well..." He stops and throws up a bit more then adds "You seem to know the rest".

After I think to myself for a moment I realize... is he really that oblivious that he still hasn't figured it out...? Has he gotten dumb after all these years? What is he thinking!?!?

"Are you serious?" I ask him in a confused tone.

"What do you mean? Does this look like I'm joking with you?" He remarks in a snarky tone while gesturing to the... mess.

"You must've gotten dumb after all these years, and here I thought that you were supposed to be the smart one," I say trying to maybe get him to realize on his own, but he just looks up at me in anger and confusion, "Shota... you got your heart" he looks up at me in confusion again... is he really this oblivious? I then add, "... and so did I..."

With that last comment, it all seems to hit him at once and he yells "Wait... we're... soulmates?!?!"

He really didn't see that? Well, I guess I should expect nothing less, he always was oblivious to anything in the way of love.

"I guess so... is that alright with you?" I ask and wait for his response.


a/n: OoOOOoooOo cliff hanger! I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter and thought that the writing from Hizashi's POV was alright. When I first got the idea for this au, this was basically the first "scene" I thought of because I truly believe that Aizawa would be very oblivious in this situation. 

Anyways, thank you so much for reading and hopefully enjoying this story, and I hope that you all have a great week ahead of you! 

Heartbeats (EraserMic Soulmate au)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant