Chapter 2

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Aizawa POV

It's been a few days since I received the letter from my mother, and not much has happened, though the next little while is going to be very strange and difficult. I don't even know why I'm going through with this, but I guess that I can't-... won't go back now.

A little while ago I saw Kayama (Midnight) at a hero meeting and for some reason, she is becoming a teacher at UA. We used to be acquaintances... I guess, but for some reason, she recommended me to principal Nezu and here I am at what I have been told is my second last interview... to become a teacher.

I have no idea why I'm doing this, but I guess its something to do with my time, I could probably get some good sleeping in during classes, that would be good. My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by Nezu finishing up the interview.

"We have checked all of your records and believe that you will be a perfect fit for the first-year position that recently opened up. You will mainly be working as a homeroom teacher for this year's class 1A, but you will also have a few other classes to teach. I know that you were a good student, and I'm sure that you will be a great teacher so I am happy to welcome you onto the team!" Nezu stopped to get a drink of his tea and gave a large smile.

"I will surely take the job... thank you" I respond in a flat tone and start to get up, thinking it's my time to leave.

"Oh, before you go, there's a little bit more information I would like to give you about your last interview which will be happening next week." Nezu starts and I sit back down in the chair.

"Alright" I motion for him to continue.

"Next week, on Saturday as you know, you will be coming back here one last time before you are a full-fledged teacher here. At that time you will be given a tour of the grounds, although I know you know them quite well, some things have changed since you came to school here, and you will be shown the classroom you will be teaching in." Nezu stops for a moment then adds, "At that time you will also be... meeting... another new hire who will be starting at the same time as you, he will be working as an English teacher for your class, you will be working together quite often so I do hope you get along. That is all I would like to say, and I will see you next Saturday!"

I give a nod and promptly leave. The addition of another new hire doesn't really surprise me, I just hope that they aren't too loud, I need to get my sleep. 


a/n: I wonder who the other new hire could be hmmmmmm? (lol) 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know that it's short, but it was the best place to stop it off for the next one, and I'm pretty sure the rest are all longer. Anyways, I'm a little late, but happy new Year everyone!!!! Hopefully, this year is better! (Also, because I do not have any at the moment, if anyone has any cool art they would like me to put at the top of each chapter then feel free to leave a comment or message me, that would be really awesome!!!)

Also, if you enjoy this story, I would really appreciate any votes, comments, or just your views at all!

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