The Road Towards A Test

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Previously on Magyth ....

She got up, filled with determination and wiped away her tears, unlocking her dome. Juliette looked at the pamphlet one last time before running through the corridors, desperate to go home. "Just you wait Verdikton!" she yelled at the top of her lungs as she ran home with the sun setting behind her and her brown curls flying in all directions.

                                                                And we continue....

"Mom! Dad! Geez where are you both" Juliette slammed the front door close as she searched for any sign of life in her empty home. She skipped over the large marbled parlor and instead walked over to the type of swinging doors you'd find a restaurant, pushing them open as she gave one final call for her parents, hoping to hear an answer this time. As the doors swung open, they revealed her mother and father strapped onto one of the kitchen chairs as two masked men scavenged around the kitchen, knocking down dishes and obviously not caring what broke and what didn't . Juliette didn't have time to think. She was out in the open. It was only a matter of time before the men turned around. With a simple flick of the wrist, Juliette created a transparent dome to form around her. She needed a plan and she needed it fast.  Her parents were bound using water magic, and from one of the only lessons Juliette listened to, she knew that if she froze the water then created an air wall, she could break the binds. Though, there is an extent to Juliette's powers, she isn't able to completely replicate magical attributes, only create objects that indirectly copy them. As she brought the dome down, she had only a few seconds to conjure up her plan. She lifted both her arms and placed them in front of her, taking a deep breath as she tried to focus on the image she wanted to create. In a spilt second, a large abominable snowman appeared from thin air. The snowman gave a loud dominant roar, scaring the intruders and freezing the binds that held her parents captive, at the same time. Juliette didn't hesitate a second and created a wide-winged hummingbird that flapped its wings faster than anyone could keep up with. Juliette directed the wind that the bird was creating and used it to weaken the binds. On the opposite side of the kitchen, the snowman was stomping towards the men.  Although terrified, the intruders started shooting whatever low powered spells they could manage before the snowman got too close. The snow beast lifted its arms in attempt of an attack, but before it could manage to even do the slightest damage to the men, he crumbled. Huh? What was that?

Juliette's spells were always stable and never faltered, yet this one did. As the snowman's remains began to form a puddle on the floor, Juliette saw the reason her snowman even crumbled to begin with. It was a woman. A long legged woman, who dressed very prestigious, even for a witch. Her nose was crooked and spotted with many freckles that resembled stars, but somehow it enhanced her beauty instead of demeaning it. As the woman came closer to where Juliette was standing, the men who had tied up her parents, disappeared like dust in the wind. Juliette stared at her parents who weren't putting up a fight against this odd looking lady who had just made two full grown men vanish. They didn't have a look of shock on their faces, no, instead their faces beamed with the light of their full-teethed smile. Instead of walking away from the lady and warning her to not step any closer, they greeted her with open arms.

"Ah, I should have known it was you, Beatrice! I remember when you did the same to my parents all those years ago." Juliette's father shook hands with the woman he addressed as "Beatrice"  before pulling her into a short hug. 

   Juliette's vision started to blur and her head felt as if it had been filled with fog. Who is this woman? Why does my father know her?   Her mother stepped forward and flashed Beatrice a smile before also shaking her hand. Juliette stood frozen, unsure if her parents had been put under a spell as a way to lure her straight into the arms of this stranger.  "Well lucky for you, Fred, I'm not here today for you." the woman gave Juliette an encouraging smile, making wrinkles form under her eyes, almost covering them and if her smile were to grow any wider, it might have completely covered them. 

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