Chapter 13

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Ember's POV

Hawk and I were in their stables. He had already had a couple of guys round up horses for us and saddled them up. Hawk had a basket attached to his saddle. His horse was a beautiful dark chocolate brown quarter horse. While the one I was on was an old paint. I grabbed onto the saddle and hoisted myself up getting myself settled onto the horse. I turned to check if Hawk was ready to go and he was looking at me with a goofy grin on his face.

"What?" I asked with a small laugh.

"I was just thinking how lucky I am you said you would go for a ride with me." I blushed at that. He got himself on his horse and with that we took off from the barn riding alongside each other. Hawk took me out across some fields and over some hills that were on their property. I didn't realize how far back their ranch went. After about 45 minutes we came up on a stream that had a field of wildflowers close by. It was a peaceful sight to see. Hawk stopped close the stream and dismounted his horse tying him off close to the water so he could get a drink. He then came over and helped me down from my horse before placing him next to his. He came back holding the basket and a blanket.

Hawk sat the basket down and handed me the blanket to help lay out. "Cass helped with packing the basket with things she knew you would like." He really had thought of everything. He sat down on the blanket then reached up his hand to help me sit down, though instead he pulled me onto his lap.

I laughed, "Is this more comfortable for you?"

"Very." Was his simple reply as he nuzzled the side of my neck. He pulled some food out of the basket and we began to enjoy our picnic.

"How did you end up leading the Blood and Bones MC?" I had been wondering this for a while, but hadn't found a good opening to ask.

"My grandfather started Blood and Bones. They were something to be proud of a real brotherhood and they protected the town. Then when my dad took over everything changed. He took the club down a dark road and they were running guns and some other illegal things. He died when I was 22. He was killed by one of his associates that weren't pleased with some of the merchandise the club had delivered to him. I stepped up and took over as president and began to move us back towards the legal side of the law. Some of the brothers didn't want to go back to legal side of things and choice to break off from us, which is where the DR's came from. Butch was my dad's VP."

I was shocked to hear about Butch having been a part of this club. I could never see a man like that being a part of the Blood and Bones.

"So Blood and Bones is in my blood. I'm proud of what this club represents now." Hawk informed me. I could see him searching my face for my reaction.

"It sounds like you have worked really hard the past 10 years. You should be proud of how far you have come. The guys all seem great. Sure some are a little rough around the edges but they're all good men who would do anything to protect those they love." Hawk breathed a sigh of relief from my statement.

Hawk leaned over and kissed me deeply leaving me dizzy from the emotions he was pouring into that kiss. He pulled away leaving me breathless before placing his forehead on mine. He looked into my eyes, "You do not know how happy I am to hear you say that." He told me, "You've made a big impact in just the few days that you have been here." I scoffed at that.

With that Hawk reached back into the basket and pulled out some cheesecake, my favorite dessert. When we were done I was laying in his arms as we looked out over the field of wildflowers.

"Little Flame?" He asked me.

"hmmm?" I replied.

"What did you mean earlier when you said you never wanted to feel weak again? What happened?" I stiffened at his questioning. I had forgotten I had said that to them when I was trying to prove my point earlier.

Hawk's POV

I felt my Little Flame tense in my arms when I asked her about her earlier statement. I figured it was probably bad. There had to have been a reason she was so tough yet so sweet at the same time. The way she cared for the people in my club but wouldn't allow others to care for her. There was definitely a story there and her statement earlier only confirmed it to me.

"There is only so much I'm willing to talk about with it so if I say enough you have to be okay that you're not getting any more information. Deal?" This made me nervous that she seemed unwilling to reveal everything.

"Okay." I held her a little tighter bracing for what she might have to say.

"I was molested by a couple of family members as kid." She took a deep breath before she continued, "I was 11 and we were on a family vacation in Mexico. We were on the beach. I wasn't feeling very well so I asked my mom if I could go back to my room. Since we were staying at a beach house and we were just behind it she let me go by myself. I went up to my room and lay down. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep. Suddenly I woke up to a family member holding my arms while another was between my legs. They touched me and made me touch them before they finished in my mouth. Thankfully they didn't rape me, but they did enough damage. They threatened to kill my little brother and to 'finish what they started' if I ever told and being so young that put enough fear in me to keep my mouth shut."

I felt something wet hit my arm. I turned Ember around and saw she had tears pouring down her face. I pulled her into my chest and gently rubbed her back while whispering calming things into her ear. Once she had calmed down enough I pulled her back so she would look me in the eye. "I will not ever let anyone hurt you again Little Flame. I am sorry I was not there to protect you from them but I'm here now."

"You can't promise that Hawk and it wasn't your fault or mine. It was theirs. Anyways, as soon as I could I left home and haven't been back. I still keep in touch with my mom some but none of them know what happened. I couldn't take the fear that they were going to try again so I had to leave. I've only ever told a therapist, Cass, and my friend Amelia about what happened." I stiffened at that.

"Are you telling me those fuckers are still alive and no one has punished them?" I asked with deadly tone in my voice.

"Remember our deal, I'm not revealing anymore than that." I took a deep breath not wanting to push her too hard. "So after I left home I took some classes to learn to protect myself. My grandpa was the one that taught me how to shoot. So I grew up doing that." She smiled at the memory of her grandfather.

"You are strong Little Flame." I squeezed her tightly to me, "thank you for sharing a piece of you with me."

"Thank you Hawk. I think that's why I like doing things for others. There is so much evil in this world and I want to bring a little light into it. I can see some of the brokenness in your brothers and I want to help bring them a little joy if I can." Her saying that made me love her even more. Wait Love?! Do I really love my Little Flame? I just might.

"We should head back now before it gets dark." I began packing up the picnic basket and the two of us got back to the horses.

The ride back to thestables was quiet between us but peaceful. Once we got back to the clubhouse weboth got ready for bed and once again my Little Flame fell asleep in my arms.Looking down at her I promised myself and her that I would do whatever it tookto protect her from the Devil Runner's. She will never feel the same fear andhelplessness that she felt before. 

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