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[three] "you know you're not very good at hiding it" "what?" "your boner"

after one month consisting of stares, weird looks, and many, many, many boners, harry decides to do something stupid, yet again.

harry checks his schedule, and shitshitshit, he has a math test he hasn't studied for. why does god hate harry so much?

he enters the class to find his teacher wearing purple skinny jeans and oh god i'm a good person why is this happening to me? he sits down and tries not to stare.

how is he supposed to focus when jesus is literally in front of him wearing really fucking tight jeans.

he rests his head on the desk, waiting for mr. tomlinson to distribute the test papers.

mr. tomlinson was saying a bunch of things about the test snd answering the students' questions but all harry could hear was louis screaming his name, his pretty arse spread open for him, as he fucks his teacher with his tongue.

harry bites his lip and tries to think of anything but that. louis places the test paper on harry's desk and smiles.

harry reads through it, and shit. he has no idea what anything means.

he decides he's done enough stupid things that doing this would be alright.

he gets a pencil out of his pencil case, and starts writing:

mr. tomlinson, you're wearing stupid tight purple skinny jeans, and you're looking at me right now smirking, and i probably have the hugest bulge in my pants. now, i'm sorry i have no idea what you're talking about most of the time. it's probably because i can't get the thought of your pretty pink lips on my dick out of my head. this is probably the stupidest thing i've ever done in my life, but you're going to eventually ask me why i didn't do very well on this test and i'm not very good at lying.

curly xx

harry raises his hands to tell louis he's finished, louis walks towards harry, takes the test paper, places it on top of his desk and sits on his desk, his arms folded, looking at harry. that's when harry realised he probably just did the dumbest fucking thing. mr. tomlinson is going to think he's a fucking slut. he might actually get suspended, why didn't he think of this fucking before. shitshitshitshit. harry wants to cry.

he goes back home and punches himself probably like ten times. he also wanks then showers. tomorrow is going to be a long day.

louis collects his things from his desk and puts them in his suitcase. he stops at mcdicks to get some fries. he calls it mcdicks 'cause it just sounded better. also, everything that had to do with dicks was great.

when he's home, he opens his suitcase, gets the test papers out along with a red pen and starts grading.

everything was alright until mr steve decided to get bigger. that's what he called his dick. it's not weird at all. he was reading harry's test paper his jaw dropping to the ground and his hand resting on his bulge.

he does the first thing he could think of: text his best mate zayn.

louis: come over, please?

zayn: alright

louis: don't forget the booze

louis hears his door bell ring, he gets up quickly opening the door for zayn.

and oh shit no please no not him.

he opens the door to find a pretty curly boy with pretty pink lips, his eyes looked lazy and he could barely walk. it takes him less than a second to know who it is, how could louis ever forget that gorgeous face of his. 

"harry?" louis asks his eyebrows furrowed.

"are you not happy to see me mr. tomlinson?" harry giggles. harry probably forgot how to pronounce vowels because nothing he said made any sense. he was drunk louis could tell.

"what are you doing here, and how did you find my place?" louis asks once again.

"aren't you gonna let me in?" harry says trying to walk in. he stumbles, but louis catches him from falling, they stare at each other for what feels like an hour, their faces getting closer and closer. when louis finally realised how close their faces were he stepped back, emmediatly regretting it. harry's steady breath felt so calming and his eyes looked so vulnerable and needy and louis had to stop thinking about him right now or he'll do something stupid. 

"niall's house is two houses after yours" harry starts "does that even make sense?" harry giggles.

"now, before you think i'm a creep, it was niall's idea, he said something about us fucking in your car-wait no i was thinking about that niall was there blabbing about how weird i was, this isn't making anything sound any better is it? anyway, the point is i was at niall's and on my way back home i recognised your car and came over to say hi" harry smiles, and louis gets butterflies that he won't admit were because of harry's cheeky, gorgeous smile.

louis stopped listening when harry talked about how he wanted to be fucked in his car, and oh god he feels like a hormonal teenager, because there's his fucking boner right there nothing hiding it but his hands and he hates himself so much. 

"listen harry, i'm flattered, but you really need to go" louis says and harry frowns. louis' heart might have melted. harry gets up and stumbles over louis' phone charger once again. 

"you can't drive like this, hold my hand, love come on i'll take you home" louis stood up walking over to harry. hold my hand love is all harry could hear echoing in his head. 

louis starts the car and harry turns on the radio. he turns the volume up and starts singing along. louis couldn't help but smile at the stupid, cute, drunk boy. 

harry turned off the radio right when he thought of something to say. 

"you know you're not that good at hiding it" harry says looking at louis, smirking.

"what?" louis asks still looking at the road.

"your boner" harry says with a smile

louis eyes go wide and his jaw drops, and for some reason he gets another fucking boner, honestly what is wrong with him?

so i decided capital letters look ugly so i'm making this whole story with lowercase letters. i'm sorry for the long wait i had finals and i was so stressed but otra is back yay is anyone going? if you are, where? i'm going to the vancouver one!! i really, really hope you like this because writing it is so fun. also, i edited this on my phone so hopefully there aren't any mistakes, but if there are, please don't hate me. 


@niallerofficial_: i'm about two days away from offering my first born for this chapter..

that made me smile, you guys are so cute asdfgh.

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