Chapter 1: The Encounter

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Keigo pov.

I looked at Songbird like she was crazy. I knew what her parents did to her, and we both hate them for it.

"There she is, there's our beautiful little princess. Now why don't you come home with us." Her parents said walking towards her. I looked at the detective then to Songbird, and back again. I think he got it, because I saw him shift out from behind his desk. He walked in front of Songbird giving her enough time to run behind me in horror. The detective looked at me and gave me a small nod, I nodded back thankful for him to give us an opportunity to escape.

"Thanks Detective, we'll come by later to finish talking about the paperwork and requirements." I said winking. The detective understood and saluted me as I carried Songbird to the agency. Once I got there Songbird had some insane grip on my shirt. "Songbird, we're home. You can let go now, you're safe now." I said, soothing my new partner.

"How did we get out? The last thing I remember is running to you after the detective gave me an opening. Did you carry me all the way here?" Songbird asked.

"After you ran to me the detective gave a look, I nodded and picked you up bridal style and flew over here to make sure they didn't follow me, you I don't like seeing you like this Em, you're shaking in fear, you can't think straight, let's go to bed so you can calm down." I suggested, she nodded and followed me to our shared room. She waited for me to get in bed before climbing in herself, before I knew it she curled into a ball with her head on my chest, I put my right hand on her head and moved it in circles, after a few minutes she fell asleep. I had shifted slightly to my left being careful not to move so much. Once I fully readjusted she cuddled into my chest, I put my right arm around her small frame, and went to sleep.

~the next morning~

I woke up to see Em awake and staring at me.

"Morning Songbird~" I said.

"Huh, oh Morning Keigo." she replied but in doing so launched herself out of bed. "Keigo what was that for?" She asked slightly mad.

"I'm sorry Em, but you were staring off again." I said, she nodded and walked back over to me and sat in my lap. "Em, what are you doing? We have to visit the detective today, so we can actually patrol." I said, she turned to me being careful of how she did.

"I don't want to leave the safety of the agency just yet Keigo, I don't want either of us to see the possibility that my parents actually catch me yet, I'm not ready for that kind of thing yet, I'm sorry if I'm being a burden, but I can't." Em said panicking.

"Nothings going to happen to you Songbird, now let's go finish this nonsense and get our names out there!" I said, bringing back her confidence.

"Hell yeah, let's do this! Thanks Keigo." An said walking over to me and pulled me in for a hug. I hug back. She let go and grew wings again. “Songbird we’ll always have each other to lean on right?” I asked.

“Of course we will, what made you ask that Keigo?” Em asked. 

“I’m sorry, to be completely honest, when your parents got close to grabbing you I thought I was going to lose you, and I don't want that to happen, Emiko you’ve been the one person I could always trust. I can’t bear the thought of losing you.” I said, crying softly at the memories from last night. 

“Keigo, you won’t lose me, i won’t let that happen.” Em said. We continued our flight to the station. 

“Morning Detective.” I said. 

“Morning you two, shall we finish the paperwork?” the Detective asked.

“Yeah, let’s go.” Em said.

“Dreamer, I’m sorry you had to go through that last night, just know the police are looking for them, but they said they did nothing to harm you, but judging on your reaction from last night that wasn’t the case. What exactly happened?” the detective asked.

“Can I tell him Emiko? If he knows he can help you.” Keigo said.

“Go ahead, I trust you Keigo.” Em said. I nodded and faced the detective.

“She suffers from a few phobias that her parents' actions created. I've been with her long enough to protect her from most things but I’ll need your help to protect her from her parents.” I said.

“I’ll have Eraserhead come by your agency later, he’ll help you.” the detective said.

“Alright, now let's finish the paperwork.” I said, I looked around for Songbird, she fell asleep on a nearby chair, I used my feathers to bring her over to me. I followed the detective to his office, and sat down, putting Em in my lap. “Detective, who’s Eraserhead?” I asked.

“He’s an underground hero, he helps other heroes, but he likes to stay out of the media.” he explained. I nod in understanding.

~time skip back to the agency~

“Songbird we’re home, and we have a guest coming later.” I said waking her up. She looked around. 

“Did you finish the paperwork Keigo? And who’s coming over?” she asked.

“The detective said he’s sending another hero to help us, his hero alis is Eraserhead.” I said. 

“Oh, ok wanna help me cook dinner?” Songbird said. I nodded and started walking to the kitchen with Em behind me. 

“So what are we making for dinner?” I asked. 

“Katsudon.” Em said simply. I nodded, grabbing the pans for the meal. “Ok, let me set up the recipe.” She said shuffling around the kitchen. When we finished cooking we had three bowls of Katsudon on the table. Eraserhead should be here any minute now so we finished setting up the table. 

“Are you the two kids that needed my help?” A man in an all black outfit asked.

“Yes, and and you must be Eraserhead, thank you for stopping by. We just finished cooking dinner, would you like to join us?” Emiko asked. 

“Yes I would love to, Thank you for your hospitality.” He said bowing politely.

“You’re welcome.” Em said. 

“So, the both of you are a duo?” Eraser asked.

“Yeah, we’ve known each other for a long time and I’m getting worried that my parents are going to force me to quit my dream of being here, and continue to torment me. Me and my parents never really agreed on anything. Our first big fight happened a day before i met Hawks, that’s when my life at home went down hill. The next big fight happened a few weeks later because of my stubborn choice to use my quirk to alter what i looked like, they weren’t all that happy, they beat the living shit out of me to where i couldn’t walk, but i knew i had school in a matter of minutes, so i imagined a healing quirk and healed myself as much as i could and then i imagined a teleportation quirk to get me to school, but i guess when i healed myself i only healed my legs enough to walk. Soon after that they continued to hurt me and it’s only escalated, that’s why I’m scared of my parents, That’s why a month before highschool I ran away, and hid i stayed hidden for that month, the day of the entrance exam i came out of hiding knowing they might have thought i was dead.” Emiko explained.

“Hawks is this all true?” Eraser asked. I only nodded sadly. "Then we can’t let these people get you Dreamer. Dreamer quick question: how does your quirk work?” Eraser asked. 

“Ok, my quirk is imagination, i can imagine anything and it will appear or be used on me, for example I can use other quirks as long as i can imagine them, i can physically change my appearance and create any materialistic items.” Em finished. 

“That's a handy quirk, we could definitely use someone like you in the field, Hawks keep a close eye on her.” Eraserhead told us, we nodded in agreement.

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