It was the basket that could win the game or lose it. Everyone was at the edge of their seat metaphorically and literally. Complete silence. Landan was the one to make the shot. He throws it from the three point line. Around the ring it went, slowly building suspense. Cheers erupted when we got it in, all of us Shielders doing happy dances. “The Shield Eagles are in the final folks!” informs the announcer.

“Good job, boyfriend.” I smile, as Logan turns around. “I know right!” he beams, giving me kiss. “Gross you’re all sweaty!” I scold, as he chuckles. “Hey, good job out there Bell.” Congratulates Gwen, who pops up beside me. She has her flirtatious voice on, I roll my eyes. “Let’s go find Mara.” I say, pulling her along. “Wait, Oakley.” Starts Logan, and I turn around. “Coach said I could take you out tonight after the cheer competition.” He tells me, I smile. “Sweet, I’ll meet you at your room.” 


All 10 Shield cheerleader were in the back of the conference room at a hotel booked for the competition. We were all dressed in our uniforms; a black shirt with a red E in the center contoured by red, white and black lines and the skirts were the same thing except there is a small white eagle instead of an E and our hair in high ponytails.

I’m so nervous, constantly trying to not freak out. Mara and the rest of the basketball team were all in the audience. “Girls, let’s get ready we’re on in a couple minutes.” States Charlotte and we head to the stage entrance.

“The next team to preform are the Shield Eagles!” exclaims the announcer, as we walk out. I find my position beside Charlotte and plaster a smile on my face. “Don’t mess up.” She whispers to me, a smile on face. I nod, and look at the audience to see Mara giving me a thumbs up. Then the music starts.

Doing a backflip to the back of the group, I meet my two lift people. Up in the air I go, having them through me in the air, I do a backflip and land on the ground. Then everyone does round offs all over the place, really fast.

Again I am lifted up, and I (with a couple others) are thrown in the air and land in the splits having been caught. The end is near, we line up  at either side and one by one we do a cartwheel, then a round offs finishing off with a flip really fast, so there’s a line in the center. Then Charlotte does a series of complicated backward round-off things and lands in the spits. At the same time, I’m hoisted up, standing on one leg, the other in the air.

We get a standing ovation, Mara and the gang cheering the loudest. My smile is no longer a fake one but one that’s sincere. Heading back to the dressing room, Gwen catches up to me. “We did amazing!” she sings, clapping. I laugh, taking a sip from my water bottle. “We did great girls!” exclaims Charlotte. “I mean, even with Oakley’s mistimed flips, we nailed it.” She chirps.


“And the first place goes to…” starts the announcer. All the groups are standing on stage. “The Shield Eagles!” We won! Charlotte collects the trophy, and gives a little speech. I’m still in shock to be honest.


“That was awesome!” exclaims Mara, when I get outside. I have my athletic jacket on, since it doesn’t snow much here. I smile, “Yeah, at least you didn’t land on anyone.” Adds Landon, I roll my eyes. “Speaking of which have you guys see Logan?” I ask. “No clue.” Shrugs Scott. “Oh.” I whisper, giving the parking lot another look. “We should head back.” Says Mara, we all agree and start walking.

After a quick shower, I change into skinny jeans with a brown belt, tucking in a white lace shirt. Adding a navy blazeresque jacket and brown knee high boots to finish it off. “How do I look?” I ask, doing a 360 to show my outfit. “Nice, however I would take off the face tattoo.” Says Mara. Almost forgot.

“I’ll be back by ten.” I state, grabbing my phone and my present for Logan. “Have fun.” Smiles Mara, who is typing on her computer again.

I knock on Logan’s door, but there’s no answer. I try the handle and notice that it’s unlocked. Opening it careful, I slowly walk in. “Logan?” I ask. I walk in a little further, and see him and Gwen kissing. Full out kissing.

“Logan?” I ask, my voice wobbly as a tear runs down my face. He notices that I’m there. “Oakley!” he exclaims, standing up. I don’t really know what to say, so I turn around and leave.

Logan grabs my arm, “Oakley, let me exp-“he pleads. “Happy Valentine’s Day.” I mumble, pulling my arm out and putting the Fall Out Boy Tickets I got him on the microwave, and then I bolt.

 “Oakley, wait!” he yells, following me to the hallway.  “Why?” I ask, suddenly turning around. “I don’t know.” He whispers. “There must be a reason Logan.” I sob. “People don’t do things without a reason.”

He seem at a loss for words, when Gwen comes out. “Isn’t obvious? He likes me more.” Chirps Gwen. Keep calm Oakley. “Go away Patrice.” I grumble, but I turn to Logan. “Ok, but he is an amazing kisser.” She adds. That’s it.

I slap hard. So hard a hand mark is left there. “You were my friend.” I cry. She looks at me with an angry glare and leaves. “As for you,” I hiccup, looking back at Logan. I just shake my head since no words can describe how I feel. I run as fast as I can outside.

I ball my eyed out for hours, until Mara comes and finds me. We don’t end up going to the game the next day but have a sad movie marathon. The only thing I can think of is Logan and how he took my heart and broke it.

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